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  • 网络Discovery Site
  1. 这是一种文献中尚未曾报导过的Hb新变种,根据习惯,按发现地点命名为Hb&广州[Guangzhouα84(E13)ASP→Gly]。

    This variant , which has not been reported yet in the literatures , is a new abnormal Hb , thus named " Hb-Guangzhou , α 64 ( E13 ) ASP → GLY " .

  2. 这些猛犸的尸体发现地点散在于西伯利亚。

    The bodies of these mammoths were found throughout a wide swathe of northern Siberia .

  3. 周三发布的这则军方声明没有就遗体发现地点透露更多详情。

    The military statement on Wednesday didn 't offer additional details on where the bodies were found .

  4. 新元素可以依据某一虚拟概念、矿物或者按发现地点、发现者的国家或者由元素的特性或某个科学家来命名。

    New elements can be named after a mythological concept , a mineral , a place or country , a property or a scientist .

  5. 军方拒绝说出那位伊拉克翻译是被杀害中的还是失踪了的人员,不愿意透露关于尸体被发现地点更多的细节。

    The military refused to specify whether the Iraqi interpreter was among those killed or missing and would not give more details about where the bodies were found .

  6. 所有受害者被发现的地点。

    Where all the victims were found .

  7. 很多文物都只有名称、日期及被发现的地点。

    Many of the objects just had a name and a date and a place where they were found .

  8. 根据金属探测器制造商觅宝公司报道,这一发现的地点是在维多利亚州金三角中心南部边缘的工作区。

    According to metal detecting manufacturer Minelab , the discovery was made in a worked-over area on the southern edge of central Victoria 's Golden Triangle .

  9. 十字记号标明了发现死尸的地点。

    The cross marks the spot where the body was found .

  10. 我发现这些藏匿地点一点创意都没有!

    I see the hiding places haven 't gotten any more creative .

  11. 但这不是最新发现的沉船地点。

    But this isn 't a newly discovered shipwreck .

  12. 那里的官员开始在发现天鹅死亡地点的附近地区屠宰家禽。

    Officials there have begun slaughtering poultry flocks near where infected dead swans were found .

  13. 当地的一个人在使用挖掘机进行环境美化的时候无意中发现了这个地点。

    A local man stumbled on the site while using a mechanical digger for landscaping .

  14. 美国五角大楼的官员说,他们还没看到关于发现飞行员遗体地点的具体信息。

    Pentagon officials said they hadn 't yet seen details of where the bodies were recovered .

  15. 发现奥兹的地点,位于阿尔卑斯山脉,那儿高耸的山夹著南北走向的山谷。

    IN THIS PART OF THE ALPS , the valleys run north and south between towering ranges of mountains .

  16. 最后发现它的地点或许会出人意料,但我们不知道飞机上究竟发生了什么。

    It may be a surprise about where it 's found , but we don 't know what happened on the airplane . '

  17. 通过计算在发现古老指南针地点的岩石年龄,我们能计算出被磁化的部分已经被封存了多久。

    By calculating how old the rocks are where we find these ancient compasses , we can figure out how long ago the magnetized parts were locked in .

  18. 他表示,将部署安全部队前去支持专业医护人员,对所有发病中心以及发现患者的地点和家庭采取隔离措施。

    He said security forces would be deployed to support health professionals , and that all epicenters of the disease will be quarantined along with localities and homes where the disease is identified .

  19. 研究发现,意外地点、表征变化、外表-事实三种任务之间均存在显著相关,这表明儿童在三种任务表现上可能存在某种较大的内在一致性。

    Research found a significant correlation among unexpected location task , representational change task , and appearance-reality task , suggesting that children 's performances in the three tasks might implicate a great intrinsic consistency .

  20. 他表示,将部署安全部队前去支持专业医护人员,“对所有发病中心”以及“发现患者的地点和家庭采取隔离措施”。这些措施的实施时长将为60至90天。

    He said security forces would be deployed to support health professionals , and that " all epicenters of the disease will be quarantined " along with " localities and homes where the disease is identified . " The measures would be enforced for 60 to 90 days .

  21. 你们会为发现数以万计的未知地点献出自己的一份力,

    you will all help discover thousands of previously unknown sites ,

  22. 同时他也会帮助反映你们发现的一些新地点。

    and also he 'll be helping to image some of the new sites you help find .

  23. 晋西北黄河岸边新发现的旧石器地点

    Discovery of a new Palaeolithic site on the Bank of the Yellow river , in Northwest Shanxi Province

  24. 通过分析发现,由于各个地点污染物来源和污染程度的不同,颗粒的形态特征有较为明显的区别。

    Through the analysis , we found that particle morphology has a more clear distinction because of the various source of pollutants and different levels of pollution .

  25. 病毒暂时在30州发现,但传播地点大都局限在狗集中的地方,像是狗庇护所、宠物店、狗场及狗学校等。

    Virus in30 states found the time being , but locations are limited to the dissemination of the places where dogs like dog shelters , pet shops , dog and dog schools .

  26. 潜水员在进行夜间搜索行动时发现了这具女性尸体,发现地点距离沉船地约150英里。

    The body , identified as female , was spotted 150m away from the submerged vessel when divers were conducing nighttime search operations .