
fā rè
  • heating;fever;generate heat;burn;warming;have a fever;be hotheaded;give out heat
发热 [fā rè]
  • (1) [give out heat]∶温度增高,发出热量

  • 太阳发光发热

  • (2) [have a fever]∶体温升高到正常水平之上,不论是疾病的反应(如对感染的反应)还是因治疗而人为地导致

  • (3) [be hotheaded]∶比喻不冷静,不清醒

  • 头脑发热

  • (4) [burn]∶产生热的感觉

  • 她感到两颊发热

发热[fā rè]
  1. 技术更先进的例子有法国Courrèges品牌几年前首次推出的内置加热器的外套,还有美国军方正在试验的能在极寒条件下发热的导电面料。

    On the more tech-forward end are examples such as French label Courr è ges , which debuted coats with built-in heaters a few years ago , and the US Army , which is experimenting with conductive fabrics that can generate heat in extreme cold .

  2. 货币会发热,它能烘干女人的泪水。

    Money can generate heat to dry a woman 's tears .

  3. 她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。

    She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill .

  4. 我有时会头脑发热,挥霍无度。

    I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant .

  5. 不可草率行事,不可头脑发热。

    Don 't act in haste or be hot-headed .

  6. 炉子就是要发热的。

    Stoves are meant to radiate heat .

  7. 我真的感觉一点毛病也没有,没盗汗也不发热。

    I really don 't feel a bit sick , no night sweats , no fevers .

  8. 萤火虫不散发热。

    Fireflies don 't emit heat .

  9. 喝酒以后周身发热。

    After drinking some wine , I feel warm all over .

  10. 我好像有点儿发热。

    I feel as if I 'm running a fever .

  11. 恒星本身发光发热。

    A fixed star can emit light and heat by itself .

  12. 对发热病人,这种退热作用通常迅速有效。

    This antipyretic action is usually rapid and effective in febrile patients .

  13. 跟一般头脑发热的人一样,他不管事情的细处。

    Like enthusiast in general he made no inquiries into details of procedure .

  14. 这孩子有点儿热(=在发热)。

    The child is running a fever .

  15. 他的额头发热。

    He had a feverish brow .

  16. 别头脑发热!

    Don 't be so impetuous !

  17. 发热诊室配备的医护人员应具备防疫专业技能。

    They should have professional staff with anti-epidemic skills .

  18. 火可以和太阳相比,两者都可以发光发热。

    A fire is comparable with the sun , both give light and heat .

  19. 你是不是曾经把笔记本电脑放在腿上工作,大腿还能感受到电脑发热?

    For example : Have you ever worked on your laptop computer with it sitting on your lap , heating up your legs ?

  20. 发热诊室应严格实行首诊负责制,保障每位发热患者的就诊权。

    Fever clinics are meant to ensure services to patients from the beginning to end and guarantee every febrile patient the right to get treated .

  21. 所有基层医疗卫生机构均应当严格落实预检分诊,确保实现对发热患者的登记、筛查、隔离、报告、治疗、转诊等功能。

    Such primary-level clinics should conduct pre-examination triage and ensure those with fever have access to services including registration , screening , quarantine , report , treatment and transfer .

  22. 基层医疗机构需对全部发热患者进行核酸检测和血常规检查,不具备检测能力的,需通过与其他医疗机构合作的方式为发热患者提供检测服务。

    Clinics should conduct nucleic acid tests and routine blood tests on all febrile patients . If the clinics are not eligible , such tests should be conducted in collaboration with other institutions . Fever clinics should be isolated .

  23. 教职工及学生返校前应报告健康状况及过去14天的活动轨迹,同时要求有发热、乏力、干咳或腹泻等症状的人员就医排查。

    Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus . Also , schools are required to urge people with symptoms , including fever , fatigue , dry cough or diarrhea , to seek medical help .

  24. USB鞋用发热膜,电热布,加热片。

    USB shoe heating film , electric cloth , heating film .

  25. X射线管组件发热曲线

    X-ray tube assembly heating curve

  26. 术后3个月拔除双J管,无发热及腰痛。

    The double J stent was removed at 3 months after the operation .

  27. SARS期间发热病人胸部X线摄影

    Chest X-ray radiography for fever patient in SARS period

  28. 合金元素W、B对MoSi2发热体物理化学性能的影响

    Effects of B , W Elements to the Physical and Chemical Properties of MoSi_2

  29. Na2O对MoSi2/oxide发热元件特性的影响

    Effect of Na_2O on properties of MoSi_2 / oxide heating elements

  30. 结果患者多以咳嗽、发热、气短等症状起病,肺部症状可出现于肌肉和皮肤表现之前,导致漏诊或误诊,胸部CT能够较及时发现肺间质病变;

    Results The onset symptoms were mostly cough , fever and shortness of breath . The interstitial lung disease could be found in time by chest CT .