
  • 网络foam cement
  1. 即可制成轻质发泡水泥。

    Can be made of lightweight foam cement .

  2. 发泡水泥绝热层在石家庄市住宅地暖中的应用

    Apply of foam cement as insulation of the floor radiant heating in the Shijiazhuang resident

  3. 墙壁上有织纹状饰面.高层建筑外墙发泡水泥玻化微珠外保温块体饰面施工技术

    Finishing Construction Technology of External Walls Using Exterior Thermal Insulation Block Made of Vitrified Microsphere of Foaming Cement in High-rise Building

  4. 日光温室番茄应用滴灌水肥一体化技术初探高层建筑外墙发泡水泥玻化微珠外保温块体饰面施工技术

    Effects of Drip Fertigation on Tomato in the Solar Greenhouse Finishing Construction Technology of External Walls Using Exterior Thermal Insulation Block Made of Vitrified Microsphere of Foaming Cement in High-rise Building