
fā àn lǜ
  • incidence;rate of exposed cases
  1. 受贿罪是一种发案率高、较为复杂的犯罪。

    Bribery is a high - rate and complicated crime .

  2. 财产犯罪的发案率多年来一直居我国各类刑事案件的首位。

    In many years property crimes always keep top first among criminals .

  3. 去年谋杀发案率有所下降。

    The murder rate have fall over the last year .

  4. 抢劫罪是一种严重而且发案率相当高的犯罪。

    Robbery is a kind of serious and high rate of exposed case .

  5. 随着经济的发展,集资诈骗罪的发案率在不断上升,并有愈演愈烈的趋势。

    With economic development , the incidence of financial fraud in expanding and growing trend .

  6. 近年来,信用卡诈骗发案率呈上升趋势。

    In recent years , the crime of swindling credit cards is on the rise .

  7. 抢劫出租车犯罪案件已成为我国城市里严重暴力犯罪案件中发案率高的一类案件。

    Taxi robbery crime has become one of high incidence of serious violent crimes in cities .

  8. 挪用公款罪是从贪污罪中分化出来的独立经济犯罪,实践发案率较高,情况比较复杂。

    Separating from embezzlement as an independent economic crime , defalcate crime is featured as high rate and complicated cases .

  9. 彼得.凯斯,我的老板,拥有这家电视台的人,他希望能提高发案率。

    Peter Case , my boss , the man who owns this station , hoped he could improve the ratings .

  10. 迈克尔以后就会知道,同世界上任何地区相比,这个穷酸小镇的谋杀发案率是最高的。

    He war to learn later that this small poverty-stricken town had the highest murder rate of any place in the world .

  11. 针对高校盗窃案件的特点和原因作系统分析,制定切实可行的对策和预防措施,降低入室盗窃案件的发案率。

    The paper analyzes the features and causes of burglaries and presents some workable measures to tackle the problem and reduce burglary rate .

  12. 但在各种利益的驱动下,各类职务犯罪案件的发案率居高不下,甚至有上升趋势。

    But , with the interests of the various kinds , the duty crime rate has stayed stubbornly high and observed increasing secular trend .

  13. 中国是世界上刑事犯罪发案率和重新犯罪率最低的国家之一,这与妇女所起的作用是分不开的。

    China is among countries with the lowest incidence of crime and recidivism . This fact is closely related to the efforts of women .

  14. 重新犯罪率和刑事案件发案率的高低,都是衡量一个国家改造罪犯成效的主要标志。

    The rate of recidivism and the crime rate are the main criteria for judging the effectiveness of a country 's efforts to reform criminals .

  15. 多年来受贿犯罪的发案率一直居高不下,其犯罪手段也更加多样化和复杂化。

    The happening of Bribery Crime has being in high level in recent years , and the criminal measures of it becomes diversity and complicated .

  16. 它是现代社会发案率最高的过失犯罪,无论在刑法理论界还是实务界都存在着许多争议问题。

    It is the modern society the fault of the highest incidence of crime , whether or practitioners in the criminal theories there are many disputes .

  17. 当前我国职务犯罪主要有以下几个特点:第一、发案率高,并呈现出愈演愈烈的态势;

    The current crime of duty has main characteristics as follows : Firstly , the rate of case is high , more and more cases are occurring at the present ;

  18. 欺诈发行证券罪是一种典型的证券犯罪,在我国证券市场发案率较高,且危害极大。

    The offence of issuing securities by deception is a typical security crime , whose occurrence rate is very high in the securities market and whose damage is great as well .

  19. 在经济利益的驱动下,各种侵犯注册商标的犯罪屡禁不止,发案率逐年上升。

    With the push of getting more economic benefits , various crimes against registered trademark are not stopped although severely prohibited and the rate of that keeps increasing in recent years .

  20. 文章认为,量刑基准是犯罪在常见形念下应当适用的刑罚,常见形念的确定标准是发案率最高的犯罪形态。

    The article holds that sentence benchmark should be the penalty needed to be applied in crimes of the normal configuration of which the fixing criterion is rate of exposed criminal cases .

  21. 尤其是网络诈骗犯罪的发案率年年攀升,可以说几乎已经成为计算机互联网络中的严重问题。

    Particularly , it is the online fraud crimes that hold a rising incidence of crime cases , and is turning out to be a serious problem of computers and the Internet .

  22. 随着经济的持续发展,城市流动人口的总量在急剧增长,与流动人口相关的各类治安、刑事案件发案率目前已经超过了常住人口发案率。

    With the sustained development of economy , population floating in the city is Rapid growth , kinds of security ; incidence of criminal cases related to population floating has exceeded the resident population incidence .

  23. 盗伐林木罪和滥伐林木罪是发案率最高、危害最为严重的破坏森林资源犯罪。

    Crime of illegally chopping down trees and crime of illegal denudation are the main crimes of destroying forest reserves , and are the most serious crimes with highest rate among all crimes of destroying forest reserves .

  24. 我国党和政府始终对贿赂犯罪都保持着严厉打击的态度并付诸以行动,虽然取得了一定的成绩,但总体效果并不理想,贿赂犯罪的发案率高居不下。

    Our party an government came on bribery crime has always maintained a severe blow to the attitude , although obtained certain result , but the overall effect is not ideal , bribery crime rate continued growth .

  25. 杀人案件的发案率明显提高,犯罪分子的反侦查意识明显加强,使传统的利用较好的手印、足迹等痕迹物证的现场遗留率大为降低。

    The obviously raising of case of murder and , the strengthened consciousness of anti-investigation make traditional leaving over rate of scene of material evidence of mark greatly reduce with better impression of the hand , footprint , etc.

  26. 像美国一样,加拿大也是私人枪支拥有上比较“领先”的国家,但加却没有像美国那样发生那么多命丧枪口的案件,尽管挨着美国的加拿大南部枪杀案发案率要远远高于其北部。

    Canada-like america , a " frontier " country with high rates of gun ownership-sees far fewer victims shot down : the firearm murder-rate south of the Canadian border is vastly higher than the rate north of it .

  27. 目前,挪用公款罪是我国职务犯罪领域发案率较高的一类犯罪,如何通过刑事法律规范防止此类犯罪的发生是立法上所面临的重要课题。

    At present , the embezzlement of public funds is the job crime incidence in the field of higher crime , criminal laws and regulations to prevent the occurrence of such crimes is an important issue facing the legislation .

  28. 挪用公款罪是国家工作人员利用职务上的便利实施的一种犯罪,是贪污贿赂罪中的一个重要罪名,实践中发案率较高。

    The crime is a kind of crime implemented that national staff members take advantage of post to appropriate public funds for personal use , corrupting and bribing an important charge in the crime , the incidence is relatively high in practice .

  29. 交通肇事案件的发案率较往年相比,虽呈逐年下降的趋势,但透过以上数字,不难发现交通肇事案件在短期之内还无法实现大幅度下降的目标。

    Traffic Accident compared the incidence than in previous years , although a declining trend , but through the above figures , not difficult to find a Traffic Accident Case in the short term can not achieve a significant decline in goal .

  30. 由于保险业在我国起步较晚,保险法律法规尚在建立健全中,因而保险诈骗案件发生数量较多,保险诈骗犯罪已成为近年来金融领域中发案率较高的犯罪。

    As an infant industry in China , insurance leaves much to be deserved in regulations and rules , which has caused a number of fraud cases and made the insurance fraud cases account for a considerable proportion in the financial field .