
  • 网络asm;anti-ship missiles;LRASM
  1. 他们拥有具有强大杀伤力的飞机,因为那些飞机多数都能发射反舰导弹。

    They have the aircraft capable of doing significant damage , because most of those aircraft are capable of launching anti-ship missiles .

  2. 运用BP神经网络组合预测法对反舰导弹研制费用进行估算。

    A joint forecasting methed of artificial neural network ( ANN ) is used to estimate the development expenses of anti-ship missiles .

  3. 利用GPS对反舰导弹自动驾驶仪进行侧偏修正研究

    Modification for autopilot diversion of ship - to - ship missile by GPS

  4. 某型反舰导弹武器系统DIS设计与仿真

    Distributed Interactive Simulation for an Anti - ship Missile Weapon System

  5. 基于改进FS算法的反舰导弹导引头成像研究

    Study on Imaging for Anti-ship Missile Seeker Based on Modified FS Algorithm

  6. 最后采用MatLab模拟得出了在强太阳光照射条件下低空掠海飞行反舰导弹目标的检测图像。

    Finally , on the background of the strong sunshine , obtains the detection image of the close-to-sea anti-ship missile by the method of MatLab simulation .

  7. C武器系统效能评估模型存在的问题进行分析的基础上,结合攻防对抗条件下舰载反舰导弹武器系统作战效能评估需要考虑的因素,对传统A。

    C. effectiveness evaluation methods are analysed , an improved effectiveness evaluation model and evaluation system of anti-ship missile weapon system is proposed based on the analytical results of the influencing factors .

  8. 基于SVR的反舰导弹作战效能探索性评估方法

    An Operational Effectiveness Exploratory Evaluation Method of Anti-ship Missile Based on Support Vector Regression

  9. 针对某型反舰导弹自动驾驶仪航向控制通道的不足,提出一种利用GPS实现的侧向质心控制方案。

    It is quite expensive to use INS ( Inertial Navigation System ) method to make corrections for lateral deviations of midcourse trajectory of antiship missile due to gust and gyro drift .

  10. 反舰导弹入射流通常假设为POISSON流[1],通过举例验证有组织的反舰导弹入射流(饱和攻击)更接近均匀分布事件。

    The organized ant-ship missile saturation striking is always assumed as a POISSON , examples show that it is even near a uniform distribution .

  11. 采用数字中频采样、数字上变频、数字下变频以及DSP等信号处理技术,实现反舰导弹末制导雷达收发系统的数字化。

    Making use of the technology of sampling of intermediate frequency , digital up-conversion , the digital down-conversion , DSP and so on , realizes the digitalization of antiship missile terminal guidance radar transmitting-receiving system .

  12. PHM技术在反舰导弹维修保障中的传感器网络应用研究

    Research on PHM technology application in sensor networks of anti-ship missile 's maintenance support

  13. J-20看上去有很强的挂载能力,很适合挂载大型反舰导弹。

    The J-20 has what looks like huge cargo capacity , perfect for holding bulky anti-ship missiles .

  14. 利用dSPACE仿真平台进行某型反舰导弹控制系统半实物仿真软件设计,比较传统方法具有方便、高效、精确等优越性。

    Applying dSPACE simulation platform to the hardware in-the-loop of one anti-ship missile control system is more convenient , efficient and accurate than traditional methods .

  15. 中国的C801多用途反舰导弹

    C 801-The Multi-purpose Anti-Ship Missile System of China

  16. 分析了DIS系统的特点,建立了某反舰导弹武器系统DIS体系结构,并应用DR、VR技术对武器系统进行计算和仿真。

    In this paper the characteristic and construction of DIS for a weapon system are studied , and dead reckoning ( DR ) and virtual reality ( VR ) technologies are applied to an anti-ship missile weapon system design and simulation .

  17. 基于地形裁减与DCSAS的反舰导弹飞行管道规划仿真

    Simulation of Planning Algorithm for Anti-ship Missile Flight Pipeline Based on Terrain Clipping and DCSAS

  18. 鱼雷管也能用来发射中国本国的YJ-82反舰导弹。

    The torpedo tubes can also be used to launch Chinese indigenous YJ-82 anti-ship missiles .

  19. 升级的反舰导弹能被中国改进型H-6“獾”轰炸机使用,依照未经证实的报告。

    Upgraded anti-ship missiles can be used by modified versions of Chinese H-6'Badger'bombers , according to unconfirmed reports .

  20. 从反舰导弹导引头抗干扰效能评估出发,通过分析WSEIAC系统效能评估模型,把干扰对导引头的影响等效为系统故障,提出了反舰导弹导引头抗干扰效能参数及其系统效能评估表达式。

    The anti-jamming effectiveness parameters of the anti-ship missile seeker and its evaluation expression of system effectiveness are brought forward , by analyzing the effectiveness evaluation model of WSEIAC system and equaling the effect of jamming on seekers to system malfunction .

  21. 近几周,也门胡塞(Houthi)叛军向亚丁湾的美国军舰发动了炮火攻击,各方普遍认为,他们使用的是中国设计的C-801或C-802A反舰导弹。

    In recent weeks , Yemen 's Houthi rebels have fired volleys of what are widely thought to be the Chinese-designed C-801 or C-802A anti-ship missiles at US warships in the Gulf of Aden .

  22. 反舰导弹作战试验与鉴定需求分析

    The Requirement Analysis on Operational Test & Qualification for Antiship Missile

  23. 激光对红外制导反舰导弹的干扰与损伤分析

    Analysis of laser disturbance and damage to IR homing anti-warship missile

  24. 纳米材料在反舰导弹隐身设计中的应用

    Application of Nami Material in the Stealth Technology of Anti-ship Missile

  25. 反舰导弹末制导雷达选择性作用分析

    Functioning Analysis of the Selectivity for Antiship Missile Terminal Guidance Radar

  26. 反舰导弹末端机动弹道设计及弹道仿真

    Design of Terminal Maneuvering Trajectory for Anti-ship Missile and Trajectory Simulation

  27. 反舰导弹聚能战斗部威力的试验、计算与研究

    Power test and calculation of shaped charge warhead for antiship missile

  28. 反舰导弹变系数修正比例导引研究

    Research on Amendatory Proportional Navigation with Variable Coefficient of Anti-Ship Missile

  29. 反舰导弹飞行试验所需用弹量的确定

    The Determination of Missile Consuming Number in Antiship Missile Flight Test

  30. 一种新的提高反舰导弹捕捉概率方法研究

    A new method to improve the catching probability of anti-ship missile