
fǎn duì piào
  • negative vote;dissenting vote;nay
反对票 [fǎn duì piào]
  • [dissenting vote] 否定的答复∶表明反对的一票

  1. 里士满联储银行行长杰弗里•莱克尔(JeffreyLacker)倾向于再次升息,他和8月份一样,投下了正式的反对票。

    Jeffrey Lacker , the Richmond Fed president , cast a formal dissenting vote , preferring another rate rise , as he did in August .

  2. 反对票,投反对票的人。

    A negative vote or voter .

  3. 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票?

    Did you vote for or against her ?

  4. 将设两个投票箱——一个放赞成票,一个放反对票。

    There will be two ballot boxes ─ one for yesses and one for noes .

  5. 79人投赞成票,没有人投反对票。

    Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative , and none in the negative .

  6. 他原打算投反对票,后来改为弃权了。

    He changed from voting against to abstaining .

  7. 他会根据原则投反对票。

    He would vote against it on principle

  8. 对第136号修正案投赞成票,但对第129号、133号和134号修正案投反对票。

    Vote Yes on Proposition 136 , but No on Propositions 129 , 133 and 134 .

  9. 工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票。

    There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor 's tax cuts

  10. 斯科比惊讶地问道:“你是说他会投她的反对票吗?”

    ' You mean he 's going to vote against her ? ' Scobie asked in surprise

  11. 反对票领先于赞成票。

    The no-votes are leading the yeses

  12. 投反对票者占多数。

    The noes have it .

  13. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)去年在股东大会投下反对票后调整了高管薪酬。

    General Electric adjusted its executive pay after shareholders objected last year .

  14. 他投了反对票,不过他知道布什(Bush)总统会得到足够多的支持票。

    He voted against it , knowing that President Bush had enough votes .

  15. 在其还是参议员的时候,他对许多由乔治•布什(GeorgeBush)进行谈判的贸易协定投了反对票。其中包括与韩国,哥伦比亚,还有曾经一段时期内与巴拿马签署的贸易协定。

    As a senator he opposed many trade agreements negotiated by George Bush - among them deals with Korea , Colombia and , for a time , Panama .

  16. “一致性同意”表示要对某个做法进行投票,在结果中至少要有来自项目管理委员会(PMC)的三票赞成票,而且不能有反对票。

    ' Consensus approval'refers to a vote , which has completed with at least three binding + 1 votes and no vetos .

  17. 几天前,一位姓“小泉”(koizumi)的男子在日本国会站起身来,就一项法案投了反对票。

    A few days ago , a man named Koizumi stood up in the Japanese parliament to vote against a bill .

  18. 在由十人组成的FOMC中,有三人投了反对票,其中两人认为这份声明不够强硬、一人认为这份声明太过强硬。

    Two of the dissenters on the 10-strong FOMC thought the statement was not tough enough , one thought it too strong .

  19. 不过,FOMC在一份经过仔细权衡的声明(声明提到该委员会有三人投了反对票)中表示,新的指引与原先的指引是一致的。

    But in a carefully weighted statement that had three dissenters the FOMC said the new guidance was consistent with the old .

  20. 研究集团GovernanceMetrics的内尔米诺(NELLMINOW)表示,如果有哪位董事得到的反对票占到非沃顿家族投票的20%,那就是件大事。

    Nell Minow of Governance Metrics , a research group , said it would be significant if 20 per cent of non-Walton shares were voted against any one director .

  21. 但cftc4位委员之一巴特切尔顿(bartchilton)对此投了很少出现的反对票,他表示,这些举措还不够。

    But in a rare dissident vote , Bart Chilton , one of the four CFTC commissioners , said the actions were insufficient .

  22. 智囊机构CarnegieEndowment的GeorgePerkovich认为,巴基斯坦应向制弹用可裂变材料的生产禁令高举反对票。

    George Perkovich of the Carnegie Endowment , a think tank , says Pakistan should lift its veto on a ban on the production of fissile materials for bombs .

  23. iss还将建议其成员对董事局会议出席率不足四分之三的董事投反对票,除非该公司能对缺席提供“合理解释”。

    ISS will also recommend voting against directors who have attended less than three-quarters of board meetings , unless the company has provided a " reasonable explanation " for the absences .

  24. 如今,对于股票发行与重新发行要求总计超过股本10%的公司,如果不能提出合理理由说服iss,则iss将建议其成员投反对票。

    ISS will now recommend its members vote against companies whose combined share issuance and reissuance requests are greater than 10 per cent , unless the company can persuade it there are good reasons for doing so .

  25. “民众应该投反对票,因为那才是我们革命的目标。”ShadiAlGhazaliHarb说,他是来自革命青年联盟的一位活动家。

    " People should vote'No ' , because this is what we had the revolution for ," says Shadi Al Ghazali Harb , an activist in the Revolutionary Youth Coalition .

  26. audla先生希望想成为作为一个政府间合作组织的北极理事会观察员的国家在北极熊的贸易问题上不投加拿大、挪威和丹麦的反对票。

    Mr audla hopes that countries which want to become observers at the Arctic Council , an intergovernmental body , will be reluctant to vote against Canada , Norway and Denmark on the issue .

  27. 该公司在2016年差点就成功了,但是门罗县(佛罗里达群岛)的当地官员最终投了反对票。Oxitec公司撤回申请,决定用据称是升级版的蚊子再试一次。

    The company came close in 2016 , but local officials in Monroe County ( the Florida Keys ) ultimately voted no. Oxitec pulled its request and decided to try again with what it described as an upgraded version of the mosquito .

  28. 投反对票,尤指反对吸收。

    To vote against , especially to veto the admission of .

  29. 你不介意我们投反对票

    you don 't mind if we vote against the bill .

  30. 与会的大多数人对这项决议案投了反对票。

    Most of people attending the meeting voted against the measure .