
  • 网络inverter;Reverser;invertor
  1. 用高温晶体震荡器、分频器和反向器形成新的工作所需的工作频率逻辑方波,以提高工作频率精度和温度的稳定性;

    High temperature oscillator , divider and inverter produce logic square wave for working frequency so that precise frequency and stable temperature are achieved .

  2. 驱动电路主要由反向器级联组成,适当的级联个数和放大倍数可以有效的降低传输延迟和提高驱动能力。

    Drive circuit is composed mainly by the inverter cascade , the appropriate number of cascade and the magnification can effectively reduce the transmission delay and improve the drive capability .

  3. 喷气发动机推力反向器

    Reverse JATO jet thrust reverser

  4. 玉米Na~+/H~+反向转运器编码基因ZmNHX的克隆及其表达特性分析

    Cloning and Characterization of Na ~ + / H ~ + Antiporter Gene in zea mays

  5. 它主要由机械放大、正反向识别器、计数显示、运算存储几部分构成。

    Its main parts are median-amplifier , counter , digital display , and positive and negative recognizer .

  6. 针对基于现有TDM设施的解决方案,提出了一种基于帧间插的以太网到多路E1反向复接器设计方案并用FPGA进行了实现。

    We propose a frame granularity scheme for Ethernet over E1 , which is one of the TDM-based solutions , and implement it with FPGA .

  7. 反向凝固结晶器中流动与传热的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Inverse Solidification Mold

  8. 在连续统一模型的基础上建立了描述反向凝固结晶器中的流动与传热的数学模型。

    Model that describes the flow and heat transfer in the crystallizer during inverse solidification was developed based on continuum equation .

  9. 建立了描述反向凝固结晶器中流动与传热的数学模型,并在此模型基础上进行了计算机模拟和仿真。

    The mathematical model which describes the flow and heat transfer in inverse solidifying mold was established . Base on the model , a series of study with computerized simulation was taken .

  10. 利用反向凝固结晶器制造铜/钢复合电车线,研究反向凝固条件下铸件的宏观组织及合金元素的分布,分析铜及铜合金的显微组织及硬度分布的规律。

    Using reversing solidification crystallizing equipment to manufacture it , then the macrostructure of the samples and the distributions of alloy elements is studied , as well as the microstructure of copper and copper alloy and the distributing of hardness across the copper sample is analyzed .

  11. 用TEACO2激光脉冲聚焦在真空池中的金属靶上,激光产生等离子体的反向喷射会在器壁和金属靶之间产生电压脉冲。

    Focusing the TEA CO2 laser pulse onto a metal target in the vacuum cell , the backward jet of plasma produced by laser pulse can create electric pulse between target and cellwall .

  12. 航空图像经纬度解算与误差消除算法研究反向动力学解算器有效

    Arithmetic Research of Calculating Longitude-latitude and Eliminating Errors of Aerial Image

  13. 手动反向渗透除盐器

    Manual reverse osmosis desalinator