
shuānɡ chónɡ jiàn dié
  • double agent
  1. 这是我如何变成双重间谍。

    So that 's how I became a double agent .

  2. 他是替红圈帮做事的双重间谍

    He was a double agent for the triads .

  3. 在询问过程中叛变者供出了两名双重间谍。

    While being debriefed the defector named two double agents .

  4. 政府征集了卧底和双重间谍

    Infiltrators and double agents were recruited by the government .

  5. 我猜你你们没有双重间谍。

    My bet is you don 't have another double .

  6. 一个帮会的双重间谍想尽办法

    A triad double agent had worked his way

  7. 他们被迫做了双重间谍。

    They were forced to work as double-agents .

  8. 斯隆要是怀疑有双重间谍。

    But if Sloane suspects a double agent .

  9. 不把间谍处死,而是把他们转变为双重间谍可以得到两个非常大的好处。

    Turning agents into double agents instead of hanging them has two crucial advantages .

  10. 乔治是来自内布拉斯加的双重间谍。

    Georige is a double agent from Nebraska .

  11. 谁知道你是双重间谍组织的谁知。

    Who are aware of your double-agent status .

  12. 你是一个双重间谍?

    Are you a double agent ?

  13. 你打算什么时候告诉我们你双重间谍的身份尼基塔

    And when were you going to clue us in on your double agent status , Nikita ?

  14. 想当双重间谍者应该明白,叛国要付出极其重大的代价。

    Would be double agents ought to know that there is a stiff price to pay for treason .

  15. 在去年上映的《恶棍特工》中饰演一名德国双重间谍的34岁的克鲁格被誉为T台叛徒,他因在名流盛会上自己化妆并且只要时尚不要舒适而受到赞赏。

    Kruger , 34 , who played a German double agent in last year 's Inglourious Basterds , was called the Runway Renegade , admired for doing her own make-up and putting style before comfort at celebrity events .