
shuānɡ yǔ jiào yù
  • bilingual education
  1. 很多家长反对学校实行双语教育。

    Many parents oppose bilingual education in schools .

  2. 沉浸式双语教育(ImmersionModelofBilingualEducation)是起源于加拿大的一种双语教育类型。

    The Immersion Model of Bilingual Education is a type of bilingual education , originating from Canada .

  3. 对于那些倾向于让孩子早点开始学习普通话的父母来说,英国还有HatchingDragons(望子成龙)这所学校,这是英国第一所提供中英双语教育的幼儿园。

    For those parents inclined to start their children early , there is Hatching Dragons , the UK " s first Mandarin-English nursery .

  4. 美国双语教育TWI项目研究

    The Study on the TWI Program of the American Bilingual Education

  5. 由于没有接受双语教育的渠道,她最初被安排在专门为语言障碍儿童开设的班级中,但她进步非常迅速,八年级时她的学术水平测试(SAT)得分高达1420分。

    With no access to bilingual education , she was initially placed in special classes for kids with speech impediments and advanced so rapidly that she scored a 1420 on her sats & in eighth grade .

  6. 加尼福尼亚保守派、软件创业人士罗恩·温茨(RonUnz)团结了五位哈佛校友的力量。温茨资助过以反对双语教育为目标的多项选票倡议。

    The slate of five former students was put together by Ron Unz , a conservative from California and software entrepreneur who sponsored ballots initiatives opposing bilingual education .

  7. 论文采用贝克尔(Baker)的分析框架,从背景、输入、过程、输出四个变量着手,分析并介绍了加拿大双语教育的实践经验和研究成果。

    Based on the Baker 's analysis model , this thesis introduces and analyses the practical experiences and , research findings in Canada , concentrating the variables as context , input , process and output .

  8. 本章第二节概述美国Cushman学校双语教育,一是美国双语教育发展的大背景,二是Cushman学校及其双语教育基本情况。

    Section 2 outlines the bilingual education in the Cushman school , U. S. which includes the development background of the U.S.A bilingual education and their basic situation of bilingual education .

  9. 澳大利亚主要有以下两种双语教育模式:第一,LOTE(除英语之外的语言)项目,这主要是为那些母语是LOTE的学生和母语为英语的学生设置的;

    The models of Australian bilingual education are as follows : LOTE classes address a variety of students who range from fluent speakers of LOTE as their mother tongue to monolingual English-speaking children .

  10. 新疆少数民族双语教育回顾与反思

    Retrospection and Reflection of Bilingual Education for Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang

  11. 少数民族地区双语教育研究的心理学反思

    Reflection on Psychology of " Bilingual " Education in Minority Areas

  12. 新疆南部农村学前双语教育教学质量问题探源

    The Quality Pre-School Bilingual Education in Rural Areas in Southern Xinjiang

  13. 美国西裔移民双语教育的语言战略思想

    Language Strategic Principles of Hispanic Bilingual ^ Education in the US

  14. 双语教育师资培训研究师资教育中的教师自主能力

    Ideas Contributed to the Kindergarten Teachers Training for Pre-school Bilingual Education

  15. 然而双语教育在中国的发展并不平衡。

    Yet the development of primary bilingual education is not balanced .

  16. 论全球化进程中的大学双语教育及其实践

    On the Bilingualism and Its Application in the Process of Globalization

  17. 家庭语言环境对学前儿童双语教育的影响

    The Impact of Family Language Environment on Pre-school Children Bilingual Education

  18. 高校师范双语教育教学的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures on Bilingual Education of Normal Subjects in Colleges

  19. 生活教育理论对学前双语教育的启示

    Drawing Inspiration from the Life-oriented Education Theory to the Preschool Education

  20. 不久之后双语教育便应运而生。

    It was not long before bilingual education became an issue .

  21. 维吾尔族中小学双语教育研究

    Study on Bilingual Education in Uygur Primary and Middle School

  22. 双语教育是新加坡的基本国策。

    Bilingual education is the basic national policy of Singapore .

  23. 第二,结合国内外双语教育与教学的情况进行比较研究。

    Comparison study on bilingual teaching and education in home and abroad .

  24. 美国双语教育法的历史演变

    Historical Development of Bilingual Education Law of the United States

  25. 新加坡双语教育政策下的华文处境

    Singaporean Policies on Bilingual Education and the Situation of the Chinese Language

  26. 美国双语教育立法及其双语教育发展

    The Lawmaking on Bilingual Education and the Bilingual Education Development of America

  27. 从国家整体发展规划中建构双语教育政策;

    To formulate bilingual education policy within whole projects of national development ;

  28. 云南少数民族双语教育中的文化心态研究

    On the Cultural Psychology in the Bilingual Education of Yunnan Minority Nationalities

  29. 试论双语教育下的民族语言与文化的保持

    On Maintenance of Minority Language and Culture in Bilingual Education

  30. 文化多元主义理论视角中的新疆双语教育

    Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Perspective of Multicultural Theories