
  • 网络binocular;Binocular vision
  1. 正常及异常双眼视觉的视动震颤(OKN)反应特性研究

    Optokinetic nystagmus ( okn ) in normal and abnormal binocular vision

  2. 使用同视机检查主观旋转度数和双眼视觉功能。

    Subjective cyclodeviations and binocular vision function were assessed by synoptophore .

  3. 此外,对双眼视觉剥夺的4例大鼠LTP形成特征进行了初步观察。

    In addition , the features of LTP development of 4 visually deprived young rats have been preliminary investigated .

  4. 结论在严格的医疗化管理下,利用CL矫正少儿眼外伤术后无晶状体眼的高度屈光不正、屈光参差,恢复双眼视觉是安全、有效的。

    Conclusion It is safe and effective to use CLs in youngsters ' traumatic aphakia with high refractive error and anisometropia after surgery when there is strict medical administration .

  5. 目的了解儿童双眼视觉诱导性眼跳跃(VGS)和记忆诱导性眼跳跃(MGS)随年龄发展的特性。

    Objective The aim of the author is to explore the developmental characteristics of both eyes visually guided saccade ( VGS ) and memory guided saccade ( MGS ) in children .

  6. 重视功能性双眼视觉异常的临床研究

    Stress on the clinical study of functional abnormalities in binocular vision

  7. 正常人双眼视觉的多焦视觉诱发电位研究

    A study of binocular summation in multifocal VEPs on normal subjects

  8. 不同年龄组的间歇性外斜视术后双眼视觉恢复

    Binocular vision restoration in different age group patients with intermittent exotropia

  9. 斜视弱视患者的双眼视觉状况及其矫治

    Binocular vision and its rectification in patients with strabismus and amblyopia

  10. 在大多数脊椎动物,它参与间接的双眼视觉。

    In many vertebrates the nucleus isthmi mediates binocular vision .

  11. 检查双眼视觉状态及视网膜对应情况;

    To examine status of binocular vision and retinal correspondence .

  12. 后天性共同性内斜视手术治愈后的双眼视觉

    Binocular vision of postoperation in patients with acquired comitant esotropia

  13. 一种新的双眼视觉的立体匹配方法及其应用

    A New Two-View Stereo Matching Method and Its Application

  14. 儿童间歇性外斜视手术前后双眼视觉的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Binocular Vision about Children Intermittent Exotropia before and after Surgery

  15. 目的:研究矫正镜片棱镜作用对双眼视觉的影响。

    Objective : To study the prismatic effects of lenses on binocular vision .

  16. 结论:注视侈开曲线分析是一种有效诊断双眼视觉功能异常的方法。

    Conclusion : The fixation disparity curve is an efficient way to diagnose binocular abnormality .

  17. 双眼视觉&共同性斜视的双眼视觉

    Binocular vision binocular vision of concomitant strabismus

  18. 学龄前正常儿童的双眼视觉

    Binocular vision of normal preschool children

  19. 结论老年性白内障摘除术后早期患者的双眼视觉未完全恢复;

    Conclusions There is incomplete recovery of binocular vision in the early post-operative stage of senile cataract patients .

  20. 同视机检查结果显示全部患者手术前、后均无正常双眼视觉功能和旋转斜视。

    All patients showed no cyclotropia and normal binocular vision function was obtained with synoptophore before and after surgery .

  21. 结论人工晶状体的植入不仅使患者获得良好的视力,而且还能恢复良好的双眼视觉。

    Conclusions Implantation of intraocular lens not only brings better vision to the patients but also recovers better binocular vision .

  22. 两个视点将可以算出距离,就像双眼视觉给与我们深度的感官。

    Two viewpoints allows distance to be calculated , similar to the way that binocular vision gives us depth perception .

  23. 目的分析探讨老年白内障患者人工晶体术后双眼视觉康复状况及影响因素。

    To discuss the functional recovery of the binocular vision and the affecting factors after senile cataract extraction with IOL implantation .

  24. 我们的结论是:(1)任何早发性眼科疾病,假如阻碍了正常的双眼视觉发育,则造成不对称的运动觉;

    We concluded that ( 1 ) motion asymmetry correlates closely with early-onset eye disorders that hinder the normal development of binocular vision ;

  25. 对照组:使用弱视治疗仪(微型光刷闪烁仪)、双眼视觉训练仪;

    Both groups underwent treatment for three months with a micro light brush training instrument for amblyopia and a binocular vision training instrument .

  26. 在计算机视觉技术中,双目视觉更接近于人的双眼视觉原理,并且在实际应用中更容易实现。

    In computer vision , binocular vision is similar to the mechanism of human binocular vision , and easy to achieve in practical applications .

  27. 本论文之主要研究目标是建立移动式机器人双眼视觉系统,使机器人具有三维空间的距离感测能力。

    The purpose of this thesis it to build a binocular vision system for a mobile robot such that the robot has3-dimension range detection ability .

  28. 目的观察老年性白内障摘除术后早期患者双眼视觉的恢复情况,并探讨影响其恢复的原因。

    Objective To study the recovery of binocular vision and the risk factors that affect the recovery in the early post-operative stage of senile cataract patients .

  29. 本发明属于医疗电子领域,涉及一种用于分离双眼视觉诱发电位的系统和方法。

    The present invention belongs to the field of medical electronics , and is especially system and method for separating binocular vision evoked potentials ( VEP ) .

  30. 散开性斜视,外斜视一只眼睛的视轴与另一只眼睛的视轴偏离的一种斜视不同年龄组的间歇性外斜视术后双眼视觉恢复

    A form of strabismus in which the visual axis of one eye deviates from that of the other . Binocular vision restoration in different age group patients with intermittent exotropia