
shuānɡ rén zì xínɡ chē
  • tandem;tandem bicycle
  1. 他们准备骑双人自行车从北京到云南旅行。

    They are ready to travel across China from Beijing to Yunnan Province on a tandem bicycle .

  2. 我们选择双人自行车是因为骑着它能更好地和彼此交流旅途中遇到的趣人趣事。

    We choose a tandem bicycle because it makes it easier to communicate with each other about interesting people and things we come across during the journey .

  3. 我从来没骑过双人自行车。

    I 've never ridden a tandem bicycle before .

  4. 一小时双人自行车游览活动。

    One hour bicycle ride for two persons .

  5. 我们可以租一辆双人自行车,一点儿也不贵。

    We could rent a tandem bicycle . It 's not expensive at all .

  6. 你们要共骑的话,可选择双人自行车。

    You have a choice of a tandem if you want to ride together .

  7. 一个挪威人和朝鲜女孩在朝韩边界附近同骑双人自行车。

    A Norwegian who rides with a North Korean girl near South Korean border .

  8. 除了休闲散步,我最大的乐趣就是在我的双人自行车上“疾驰”。

    Next to a leisurely walk I enjoy a " spin " on my tandem bicycle .

  9. 一前一后骑着一辆双人自行车;沿着小路赶着排成纵行的马匹。

    Ride tandem on a bicycle built for two ; riding horses down the path in tandem .

  10. 更可能的情况是福特索尔汽车与雷诺汽车或墨雪兹汽车,车轴对车轴地排列着,但很少碰上双人自行车。

    More likely , Ford consul will be hub to hub with Renault or mercedes , but rarely with bicycles made for two .

  11. 计划做一些你们平时不常做的但有趣的事情,比如搭一个毯子堡垒、来一次室内篝火晚会或是进行一次双人自行车骑行活动等。

    Schedule in days of doing fun stuff you wouldn 't normally do like building a blanket fort or having an indoor campfire or going on a tandem bike ride .

  12. 一名读者一直邀请我同骑他的双人自行车出去兜风,所以上个月底,我就坐在了这辆自行车的后面,被迫迁就他的骑车风格。事实证明,我们骑得安全、安心并且谦谦有礼。

    A reader had been offering for a while to take me for a ride on his tandem , and so last week I climbed on the back and was forced to cycle as him - which turned out to be safely , confidently and courteously .

  13. 一名读者一直邀请我同骑他的双人自行车出去兜风,所以上个月底,我就坐在了这辆自行车的后面,被迫迁就他的骑车风格。事实证明,我们骑得安全、安心并且谦谦有礼。

    A reader had been offering for a while to take me for a ride on his tandem , and so last week I climbed on the back and was forced to cycle as him – which turned out to be safely , confidently and courteously .

  14. 这张清单上列举的一些任务相当考验勇气,比如挨枪子儿(当然穿有防弹背心)、裸体跳伞、追逐飓风、在墨西哥与鲸鲨共舞,以及从温哥华骑双人自行车到拉斯维加斯等。

    The list includes nerve-wrecking experiences like getting shot ( with the help of a bulletproof vest , of course ) , skydiving naked , chasing a tornado , swimming with a whale shark in Mexico and enduring a tandem bike ride from Vancouver to Las Vegas 。