- staff officer;general staff;adviser;advisor;give (offer) advice;give advice

(1) [staff officer]
(2) 中国古代官名。唐、宋时节度使及各路统帅的幕僚
(3) 军队干部的职务。参与指挥和制定作战计划
(4) [advisor]∶代出主意的人
[give (offer) advice] 代别人出主意
Imagination of the system that structure the staff officer of the police service
The subject is to research on the long-distance training course for staff officer talents and develop the network course for talents ' training under the present conditions and possible orientations .
Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road .
He was the smoothest and probably the most powerful chief of staff in political memory .
' I 'm still staff colonel . ' — ' Is that a fact ? '
You might ask him for advice on this matter .
He is definitely a good adviser to you .
The commander congregated his staffs .
Don 't send a bunch of Taobao links to someone and ask for their advice . It 's really annoying for them to open these links one by one .
Admiral Mike Mullen is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .
Williams ' downfall began when he appeared at a New York Rangers game with an Iraq veteran in a tribute to a retiring command sergeant major .
Colonel Dornstauder 's assignments include : Platoon Leader and Executive Officer , F Company , 4th Engineer Battalion and Commander , B Company , 12th Engineer Battalion , 8th Infantry Division ;
Admiral William Mullen , outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , has described the national debt as the greatest threat to US national security .
Most cover models have their clothes chosen for them by Vogue , or at least editors work as advisers . Not this time .
The Pentagon itself was rattled by the 2008 attack , a breach significant enough that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs briefed then-President George W. Bush .
Marek Biernacki , Poland 's minister of justice , said both men were spies for the Main Intelligence Directorate , Russia 's largest foreign intelligence agency .
Last month Admiral Mike Mullen , chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff , accused China of " myopia " for not putting more pressure on North Korea .
Admiral Mike Mullen heartily supported the review , the first time a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has backed the idea of allowing gay troops to serve .
" This notion should not be hijacked by any particular scenario , " general Norton Schwartz , the air force chief of staff , said last week when asked if China was the main target .
Lieutenant Nikolaos Tsoumis is the chief of staff of the Greek navy .
At a recent conference in Gwadar , Pakistan 's Army Chief , General Raheel Sharif , accused India of deliberately attempting to undermine the project .
General James Cartwright , vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , said the military had a high degree of confidence that we got the tank but cautioned that it would take another two days to make a final confirmation .
A senior Pentagon official tells CNN the chiefs are expected to support the president but they will tell him to what they extent they believe allowing gays to openly serve will hurt morale and readiness of the force .
General Paul Selva , deputy chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , saidthere needed to be a " firebreak " between a machine that can assess massive quantities of data tomake a targeting decision and one that decided on the use of force .
Marshall had been recalled to become secretary of state by President Harry S Truman at the beginning of1947 , after retiring from the Pentagon at the end of the war as Army chief of staff .
After finishing his synopsis , Reagan turned to Gen. John W. Vessey Jr. , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , and asked : " Could something like this really happen ? " Could someone break into our most sensitive computers ?
In1929 , the performance of the T-18 was already inadequate according to the increasingly demanding RKKA General Staff .
The US spends 90 per cent of its cyber spending on defence and only 10 per cent on deterrence , the opposite of the balance for traditional arms , said Gen. James Cartwright , vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of staff .
Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris are accused of pressuring owners of the Tribune to fire members of its editorial board in return for the release of Illinois Finance Authority funds .
' We are about to send two aircraft to the sea now , joining with nine vessels already on water there now , ' Vo Van Tuan , deputy chief of staff of Vietnamese People 's Army , told The Wall Street Journal .