
xiāng fáng
  • wing;wing-room
厢房 [xiāng fáng]
  • [wing-room] 正房前面两旁的房屋

  • 东厢房

  • 西厢房

厢房[xiāng fáng]
  1. 增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。

    The house was enlarged with a new wing .

  2. 厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。

    A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid .

  3. 坐在对面厢房里的女孩,你刚才和她说过话。

    The girl in the opposite box whom you 've just spoken to .

  4. 围内也设东西厢房,还有戏台等娱乐场所。

    There are also east and west wings and the stage for entertainment .

  5. 我们住在西进厢房,后面还有一个比较小的草皮。

    Our family covers the west wing rooms . There 's a smaller lawn behind them .

  6. 厢房之外有二十肘宽的空地,环绕著殿的四周。

    And between the chambers was the breadth of twenty cubits round about the house on every side .

  7. 三位老板再回到厢房里,齐声大笑;

    As the three proprietors came back into the room , they all burst out laughing at once .

  8. 正面五间上房,皆雕梁画栋,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉、画眉等鸟雀。

    In front of the rooms were hanging a lot of cages keeping various parrots and thrushes and so forth .

  9. 太阳光透过了那一排竹帘子,把厢房的前半间染上了黑白的条纹。

    Sunlight was streaming through the bamboo blinds and throwing a criss-cross pattern of light and shade over part of the room .

  10. 主屋建在南北走向的轴线,而厢房则位于四合院的两侧。

    The principal room is built on the southnorth axis , and iwo wing rooms are located on both sides of it .

  11. 突然有两个人头爬在这厢房的朝南窗洞的铁栅栏外边,朝里面窥视。那两头牛给套在一起。

    Suddenly two heads appeared outside the barred window overlooking the lane and peeped into the room . The two oxen were yoked together .

  12. 他若道录司、斋堂、方丈、诸羽流栖息、厨浴、仓库、厢房,通数千间。

    If he were Secretary Road , Zhaitang , abbots , Zhu plume habitat , kitchen bath , storage , rooms , through several thousand .

  13. 然而这栋高大的住宅和厢房仍旧住满了人,家里仍然常有二十余人用餐。

    But the immense house and the lodges were still full of people ; more than twenty persons still sat down to table with them .

  14. 院内坐北朝南的房子叫正房,东西两边为厢房,坐南朝北的称倒座。

    Hospital south of the house sitting Jeongbang called East and West on both sides for the room , sit down Southern North Block said .

  15. 一月底,皮埃尔来到莫斯科,他在一间未被大火焚毁的厢房住了下来。

    AT THE END of January Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the lodge of his mansion , as that had escaped the fire .

  16. 老屋的厢房关上门后,光线比较暗,外面的声音也听不到,她可以一觉睡到自然醒。

    When the door of the side room was closed , the room would be dark and quiet , so that she could wake up naturally .

  17. 我又看见一个高台围绕着殿,作为厢房的根基,台高三公尺。

    I saw also the height of the house round about : the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six great cubits .

  18. 纵使他有钱租得起摩天楼上的厢房,他怎么能够得到一片草地,一口井,或一个竹丛呢?

    How is one going to have a plot of grass or a well or a bamboo grove even if he is rich e-nough to rent a penthouse ?

  19. 寺内分前殿、后殿、祖堂及两侧僧舍厢房共一千几百米的建筑。

    Temple points Front Hall , rear , ancestral hall , and a total of1000 rooms on both sides of the shag a few hundred meters of the building .

  20. 自从他的火柴厂亏本以来,他将半边的厢房挪空了,预备分租出去,他又辞歇了一个饭司务,两个奶妈。

    Since his match factory had folded up , he had vacated one wing in case he had to sub-let part of the house , and dismissed one cook and two maids .

  21. 他们又用金冠铜牌,装饰圣殿正面,又重修大门和厢房,安上门户。

    And they adorned the front of the temple with crowns of gold , and escutcheons , and they renewed the gates , and the chambers , and hanged doors upon them .

  22. 建筑布局依西向东,以礼拜大殿、邦克楼、牌坊为轴线,南北两侧配有厢房。

    West to east in accordance with building layout in order to worship hall , bunker building , the arch axis , with rooms on both sides of the North and the South .

  23. 天气始终睛和,于是我赶紧竖起桅杆,张起帆来。厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。

    The weather continuing clear , I applied myself to get up my mast and spread my sail . A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid .

  24. 金妈工作完毕,就到后厢房去整理姨太太的衣服。还是先搁一下,把这桩事情料理完毕之后再说吧。

    Chin Mah had finished doing the concubine 's hair and had gone into the next room to lay out her clothes . Better hold it up until we get this business straightened out .

  25. 而且不同的房屋组合也对屋面的局部风压分布有很大影响,厢房与正厅屋顶连接的角部为风压极不利的区域,侧房的保护可以降低这个部位的峰值风压。

    Moreover , the different combinations of houses affected the local pressure of roofs . It was found that the joint roof of the wing-room and the front hall is the most disadvantageous position .