- 名crude salt

[crude salt] 指初步经过晒制或熬制的盐,杂质多,一般为工业用盐
The design and application of PLC in the storage and transport of crude salt
This paper introduces the design and application of PLC technology in the storage and transport system of crude salt , and makes people have a better understanding of the important effect of PLC in production process and automation field .
The chloride solution through be depurated , get NaCl saline solution which can meet the Chlor-alkali process purity requirements , for dissolved salt in production of chlor-alkali .
Include PVC market weekly report , Caustic soda weekly report , Carbide calcium weekly report , Soda ash weekly report , Industry salt weekly report , and monthly report related with chlor alkali products .
Application of crude salt washing technologies in the salt refining process
Refined salt 92.3 % and crude salt 7.7 % .
Application of Hidden Scraper Conveyer in the Combined Manufacture Process of Soda
Research on new technology of hydraulic grinding and washing of crude salt
Applying Network Planning Technique and Enhancing the Production Efficiency of Crude Salt
A new method to determine insoluble substance in raw salt is presented .
Influence of crude salt specification on production and process
Grinding Raw Salt with High Pressure Water Jet
An automatic rude salt analyzing system
Reasons for errors in the analysis of ions contained in crude salt and countermeasures against them
Summary for Design of Raw Salt Material Handling System of Chlorine Generating Plant from Epoxypropane Revamp Project
With an area of 430,000 ha , China 's salt pans produced 29.281 million tons of raw salt in 1997 .
After artemia were added into a salt pan , the number of halophilic bacteria enhanced obviously and the yield of crude salt also increased .
State the principles of washing crude salt and test the influence of washing it , so as to find out the suitable conditions of washing .
A main raw material in the chlor-alkali production is sodium chloride or salt which could be in the form of the solid and the liquid .
It was worth spreading the new technique for the raw salt conveying with hidden scraper conveyer in the salinificating crystallization of the combined manufacture of soda .
In this paper , we have introduced a new intelligent instrument which is con-trolled by single chip microcomputer and can determine seven components in common salt .
The resource and formation of impurities in crude salt was analyzed , and the method and measure of decreasing the content of impurities in crude salt .
The product is a unique formula to the ancient Jurassic salt as raw materials , contains a variety of minerals and beneficial element , the use of advanced refining process .
Influence of price rising of crude salt on managing and selling environment of caustic soda market ; Conclusion ? Alkaloid salt possesses better effect on lowering blood lipid than alkaloid .
The order of the factors effecting on comminuting effi-ciency is pressure of water jet , diameter of nozzle for water , diameter of nozzle for materials and shape of target .
Yanchi area of Jiuquan East Basin in Gansu Province is the largest enrichment area in mirabilite and raw salt , it is also the main groundwater distributed area in Jiuquan East Basin .
Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co. , Ltd ( XZCC ) is located in the district of Xinjiang , with plenty resource such as coal and salt , with abundantly supplied of electricity , so possess a certain extend of advantage .
Both the quality difference between Chinese sea salt and several foreign countries , and the experimentation of adulterating brine with waste ammonia liquid to decrease the content of SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 in crude salt are introduced in this paper .
Since the production capacity of caustic soda after epoxypropane revamp project has been reached to 240 ? kt / a and the original raw salt materials handling system can not meet the requirement of the production , the system shall be integrally reconstructed .
Coastal dikes to the south of the coastal wetland restoration , intertidal ecological farming , crude salt production and processing industry base , can bring greater development space for Weifang northern coastal development , the great potential to maintain the sustainable development of the region .