
The refugees have been deported back to the country they came from .
Reasons for Relative Stability of Saudi Monarchy An Analysis on the Cause of Arabia - Israel Conflict
It is one thing to find and freeze the money , but the next step is to confiscate the funds and repatriate them .
In 2001 , China Unicom merged with the original National Telecom ; in 2008 , it merged with the original China Netcom again .
He dared to challenge traditional education , and created his own theory and practice of the whole-person education . So , he enjoyed a high international reputation .
According to the UNESCO Convention on Stolen and Illegally Exported Cultural Objects , any cultural relics looted or lost during wars should be returned without any limitation of time span .
In addition , the governments of countries of origin have become more proactive in encouraging the return of their citizens and strengthening ties with their expatriate communities .
The Po-hai great families consisted mainly of the King family and other famous families of the former Po-hai State , though they developed differently under the government of the new dynasty .
As the Constitution in most African countries , Nigeria constitution makes a start in colonial period , and suffers the profound influence of the constitution model and constitution principle of former suzerain .
In addition , if one is seeking employment in a country other than one 's own , be sure to bring all immigration papers which relate to employment in your host country .
Illegal immigration causes a great deal of harm to the original country , destination country and the individual himself . It also brings many other negative effects to every country and the international society .
Along with the declaration of 18 European and American museums supporting the British Museum 's rejection to return the stone carvings to Greece , the original country of these objects , the sensitive issue of returning heritage again becomes a focus of the international heritage world .
The tasty for the protection of children and cooperation in terms of transnational adoption has established a new mechanism for the cooperation between the adopter 's country and the adoptee 's one China participated in the formulation of this treaty and signed its name to the document .
Sebastien Galy says growth expectations for the euro area have dropped . This has affected producers of raw materials such as Australia , Brazil and Canada .
The Tian clan was the descendants of Chen .
But we do not want to simply become the raw material supplier to just one country .
After the cold war , the three countries-Armenia , Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Transcaucasia declared independence .
They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress .
The poor parts of the world become producers of raw materials and rich ones profit from high-value-added manufactures and services .
That is because China is the world 's largest exporter of furniture and a major importer of wooden raw material .
Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates , I have been studying in Shanghai 's Fudan University since September on an inter-varsity exchange programme .
As a huge importer of raw materials , China has begun to alter the fates of commodity exporters from Brazil to Australia and from Mongolia to Angola .
Significantly slower Chinese growth will affect economies across the world and hurt exporters of raw materials that have become reliant on surging Chinese demand over the past decade .
Enterprise is the motive power of the economic development . And in the final analyse the economic competition between countries is the competition between enterprises and between their technology innovation capabilities .
China , the world 's leading importer of contract ore , is set to lead the negotiations for benchmark prices for 2007 , reflecting the country 's new clout as the world 's biggest buyer of raw materials .
First , the productivity shock resulting from the absorption into the global labour force of massive numbers of workers in emerging economies ; and second , the increase in commodity prices that has transferred wealth to raw material exporters mainly in the emerging world .
The exploitation and utilization of red swamp crayfish in China
The system of civil withdrawing was used to traditional civil procedure mode .
Human capital is the main motive power of the economic development of China .
Without the proper conditions , foreign powers imposed financial instruments , such as the stock market , on the Russians .