
  • 网络thick oil;stand oil
  1. 行星齿轮厚油膜均载系统参数分析计算方法

    Analysis and calculation method on parameters of thick oil film even loading system in planet gear

  2. 具有很厚油柱的油田其产层内会有更加微妙复杂的重力分异。

    Fields with thick oil columns may show a more subtle gravity variation through the pay zone .

  3. 特高含水期厚油层层内剩余油研究方法&以济阳坳陷史南油田梁11断块为例

    Methodical Study on Remaining Oil in Thick Reservoir at Extra-high Water-cut Stage

  4. 厚油层层内夹层对剩余油的影响研究

    Study on the influence of intercalation on remaining oil distribution in thick reservoirs

  5. 水平井技术在正韵律厚油层次生底水油藏挖潜中的应用

    Application of Horizontal Well Tech in Digging Potential to Oil Reservoir with Hypo-Produce Bottom Water and Positive Gradus Thick Oil Layer

  6. 水驱后期厚油层层内弱凝胶调剖影响因素分析

    Analysis on the effecting factors of the internal weak gel profile controlling in thick reservoirs in the later stage of water flooding

  7. 常规和冷榨亚麻油、厚油、红花油缺少易燃消费化学品必需的易燃标志和警告。

    The regular and cold-pressed linseed oils , stand oils and safflower oils lack the spontaneously combustible symbols and warnings required for flammable consumer chemicals .

  8. 高含水期厚油层层内剩余油的分布异常复杂。测井方法与水驱油动力学方法相结合确定水驱油藏剩余油的分布

    At the high water-cut stage , the remaining oil distribution in thick oil reservoirs is abnormal and complex . Determination of Residual Oil Distribution by Combining Logging Method with Streamtube Method

  9. 正构烷烃摩尔分数对数曲线上有明显的折点,表明其经历过强烈的蒸发分馏作用,并引起厚油地化特征的差异。

    The distribution curve of log molar fraction for n-alkanes had a distinct slope break point , suggesting that the strong evaporative fractionation happened in reservoirs and caused the differences of the oils .

  10. 由于高压、厚壁油气长输管线建设的迫切需求,采用GMAW自动焊是提高管线建设生产率的关键。

    To adopt GMAW automatic welding is the key to increase pipeline construction production rate due to the imminence demand of building high pressure , heavy wall thickness oil and gas long distance pipeline .

  11. 男性皮肤更厚更油。

    Men 's skin tends to be both thicker and oilier .

  12. 二郎庙断裂带是邻接厚坝油砂岩的唯一断裂构造。

    Erlangmiao fracture belt is the only fracture structure to connect Houba oil sands .

  13. 通过研究分析,江油厚坝油砂岩具备了成藏的条件。

    With study and analysis , it demonstrates the Houba oil sands possess reservoir-forming conditions .

  14. 通过流量分析,建立了有效供油膜厚与油膜起始位置之间的关系。

    Through an analysis of the flux of lubricant , the relationship between the effective thickness of the supplied oil layer and the start position of the lubricating film was established .

  15. 通过观察和测量实验中生成的氯化银沉淀,发现Cl-和Ag+都可以通过比较厚的油膜进行传递,且Ag+通过油膜进行传递的速度比Cl-快。

    By observing and measuring the formed AgCl deposition , it was found that both Cl - and Ag + could transport through a thick oil film and Ag + was transported faster than Cl - .

  16. 那一般我们吃的薯条,属于美式做法,比较细,但是呢,英国的薯条,通常切的很大块,并且用很厚的油来炸。

    Well I 'm sure everyone will have tried French Fries before , well that is the American style of cooking chips . In England we cut the potato into much bigger pieces and cook them in better oil too haha !

  17. 结果表明:第一,斜齿圆柱齿轮接触线上各点的压力、膜厚、油膜温度和两齿面的温度均不相同,且温度分布的差异较明显。

    It is found from the numerical results that , firstly , pressure , film thickness , temperature of the film and gears surfaces are different at different positions on the meshing line of the helical gears , especially the distribution of temperature .

  18. 前人据其所产油气性质和气油比判断为凝析气相,但发现井沙29井中油组厚7m的油气层在声波测井曲线上却无明显的高时差响应。

    Predecessors judged it as condensate gas phase according to hydrocarbon features and the ratio of gas and oil . But it was found that the reservoir with 7m thick middle oil formation in discovery well Sha 29 had no obvious high moveout responses in acoustic logging curves .

  19. 应用水平井开采河流相厚油层剩余油

    Recover remaining oil from thick fluvial reservoir with horizontal wells

  20. 正韵律厚油层剩余油富集区水平井段优化研究

    Optimization of horizontal interval for rich residual oil zone in thick positive rhythm reservoir

  21. 层内沉积转换面在厚砂层剩余油研究中的应用

    Use conversion surface deposition to research and exploit residual oil in thick sand beds

  22. 河流相正韵律厚油层剩余油富集规律研究

    Research of Concentrating Rules of Remaining Oil in Fluvial Facies Positive Rhythmic Thick Formation

  23. 特高含水期厚层剩余油分析与配套挖潜措施

    Analysis of remain oil and coincided unearthing measure of thick layers during extra-high water cut

  24. 正韵律厚油层剩余油的水平井开发技术研究

    Study on exploiting the remaining oil of thick pay zone with positive rhythm by horizontal wells

  25. 注水开发后期胜坨油田三角洲前缘反韵律厚油层剩余油分布复杂。

    Residual oil distribution is complicated in the thick reverse rhythm reservoir in the delta front of Shengtuo oilfield in late waterflooding stage .

  26. 结果表明:供油油膜的波动导致滚子副接触区相应的压力、膜厚及部分油膜比例分布中也出现波动;

    Results show that , wave of the pressure , the film thickness and the fractional film contents in the roller contact area can be caused by the oil-supply oscillation .

  27. 而形成于这种独特环境中的沉积物,可达数千米常,堆积巨厚,是油气聚集的重要区域,因此裂谷盆地沉积体系研究具有重要意义。

    The formation of this unique environment in the sediment , heaps up thickly , often up to several kilometers , and is also an important region gathering oil and gas .

  28. 计算油气层流体密度发现在块状厚油层内油气密度分布是不均的,往往在厚油层底部或在油水界面附近有高密度的原油分布。

    Calculation shows the distribution of the natural fluid density is not homogeneous in thick blocked oil beds . And high density crude oil generally distributes at the bottom of the thick oil beds or near the oil-gas interfaces .

  29. 在综合分析厚油层剩余油影响因素基础上,运用新井水淹层解释成果、密闭取心资料、井壁取心资料、数值模拟等手段及资料,总结了厚油层剩余油分布规律。

    This paper comprehensively analyzes the factors which effect the remaining oil production and summarizes the remaining oil distribution law in the thick reservoir with the employment of interpretations of water-flooded zone , sealed coring data , sidewall coring data , and numerical simulation .

  30. 大壁厚小管径成品油管道施工中的半自动焊技术应用

    Application of Semi-automatic Welding Technology in the Construction of Large Wall Thickness and Small Diameter Pipeline