
yàn yǎnɡ jūn ɡǎn rǎn
  • anaerobic infection
  1. 肝棘球蚴囊液、残腔液厌氧菌感染的研究

    Studies of Anaerobic Infection in Hydatid Fluid and Remnant Cavity Fluid

  2. 口腔颌面部厌氧菌感染的研究

    A study of anaerobic infection in maxillofacial region

  3. 本文还论证了使用RONPT可以有效防止厌氧菌感染的基本原理,并且可以作为坏死性筋膜炎(NF)的辅助治疗方式。

    We have demonstrated the rationale for the possible use of RONPT for prevention of anaerobic wound infections and as a supplemental mode of treatment of NF .

  4. 8.6%(15/175)为单纯厌氧菌感染。

    Pure anaerobes were 8.6 % ( 15 / 175 ) .

  5. 非芽孢性厌氧菌感染它们的感染处于非活动状态。

    Non-spore-forming anaerobic bacterial infection Their infection is inactive .

  6. 结论慢性鼻窦炎治疗应注意厌氧菌感染问题。

    Conclusion Anaerobe infection should be paid special attention in treating chronic sinusitis .

  7. 厌氧菌感染46例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 46 patients with anaerobic infection

  8. 西宁地区48例中老年人口腔厌氧菌感染的细菌学研究

    Bacteriological study on 48 cases of anaerobic infection in oral cavity in Xining City

  9. 感冒是有传染性的。非芽孢性厌氧菌感染

    Colds are catching . non-spore-forming anaerobic bacterial infection

  10. 厌氧菌感染的临床和实验研究

    Clinical and laboratory studies of anaerobic infections

  11. 女性生殖系统的厌氧菌感染

    Anaerobic bacterial infections in female reproductive system

  12. 奥硝唑治疗口腔厌氧菌感染的临床与实验研究

    Efficacy of Ornidazole and Tinidazole Against Periodontitis and Pericoronitis : A Clinical and Experimental Study

  13. 替硝唑防治女性生殖道厌氧菌感染的作用评价

    Evaluation of Tinidazole Injection in the Prevention and Treatment of Anaerobe Infections in Female Genital Tract

  14. 奥硝唑片治疗急性厌氧菌感染性疾病及阴道毛滴虫病的临床试验

    The multi-center clinical study of the efficacy of ornidazole against acute anaerobic infections and vaginalis trichomoniasis

  15. 厌氧菌感染与临床检验

    Anaerobic infections and clinical examination

  16. 本文综述了厌氧菌感染现状与抗厌氧菌药物研究的进展。

    The current status of anaerobic infections and advances in the studies of anti-anaerobic agents were reviewed .

  17. 克林霉素磷酸酯治疗恶性肿瘤放疗后继发肺部厌氧菌感染

    Research of the application of clindamycin phosphate in the successive lung infection with anaerobic bacteria after radiotherapy

  18. 烧伤厌氧菌感染的初步探索

    Anaerobic infections in burn

  19. 非芽孢性厌氧菌感染

    Non-spore-forming anaerobic bacterial infection

  20. 厌氧菌感染的病原学研究

    Aetiology of Anaerobic Infections

  21. 目的评价甲硝唑结肠定位肠溶片(抗厌氧菌感染药)在健康人体的药代动力学和相对生物利用度。

    Objective To evaluate the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of metronidazole colon-targeted tablets and normal tablet in healthy volunteers .

  22. 目的:评价奥硝唑氯化钠注射液治疗妇产科厌氧菌感染的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective : To study the safety and efficacy of ornidazole injection in treatment of anaerobic infections in gynecology .

  23. 结论SPME+GC方法诊断下呼吸道厌氧菌感染快速、简便,结果可信。

    Conclusions Diagnosis of anaerobic infection in the lower respiratory tract with SPME + GC is rapid , simple and creditable .

  24. 目的:探讨克林霉素磷酸酯对恶性肿瘤放疗后继发肺部厌氧菌感染的治疗疗效及不良反应。

    Objective : To investigate the therapeutic outcome and effect of Clindamycin Phosphate in the treatment of successive lung infection with anaerobic bacteria after radiotherapy .

  25. 细菌培养结果表明,单独需氧菌感染占55.6%,单独厌氧菌感染占18.5%,需氧菌和厌氧菌混合感染占25.9%。

    Bacterial cultures showed that the infection rates of aerobes and the mixture of them were 55.6 % , 18.5 % and 25.9 % respectively .

  26. 本文概述了女性生殖系统厌氧菌感染的临床特征、细菌学特征、发病机理及治疗。

    It was discussed in this paper the clinical features , bacterial characteristics , pathogenesis and treatment of anaerobic bacterial infections in female reproductive system .

  27. 本文对46例厌氧菌感染的临床特点进行了分析。病例中败血症、原发性腹膜炎各19例,肝脏肿8例。

    Forty-six cases of anaerobic infection including 19 cases of septicemia , 19 caeses of primary peritonitis , and 8 cases of liver abscess have been analyzed .

  28. 奥硝唑和替硝唑的不良反应发生率分别为11.5%及28.3%(P<0.05)。结论:奥硝唑片治疗急性厌氧菌感染和滴虫性阴道炎安全有效,不良反应少,优于同类药物替硝唑。

    Conclusion : Ornidazole is an effective and safe drug for treating acute anaerobic infections and vaginalis trichomoniasis , the adverse reaction rate is less compared with tinidazole .

  29. 病原菌的耐药与交叉耐药日趋普遍,广谱抗菌素的滥用又常常导致霉菌感染,厌氧菌感染及微生物敏感性试验为抢救危重患者不可忽视的难题。

    And drug resistant or cross resistant bacteria are popular . Abuse of general antibiotics leads to double infection , and anaerobic infection is unneglectable in treating severe patients .

  30. 结果165例严重肝病腹腔内感染90%以上为单一细菌感染,其中大肠杆菌为主的革兰阴性菌占59.2%,金黄色葡萄球菌为主的革兰阳性菌占36.9%,厌氧菌感染占1.7%。

    Results In 165 cases with SBP of severe hepatopathy . simple bacteria caused no less than 90 % . Gram-negative bacteria accounted for 59.2 % , among which Escherichia coli ( E.coli ) was first .