
yā bǐ
  • pressure ratio
压比[yā bǐ]
  1. 本文将这一现象定义为亚堵塞现象,并将对应的压比定义为亚堵塞临界压比。

    The phenomenon is defined as sub-choking and the corresponding pressure ratio is defined as the sub-choking-critical-pressure-ratio .

  2. 雷诺数降低到临界雷诺数以下时,随着雷诺数的降低,风扇总体性能下降,表现为:换算流量减少;效率降低;喘振点压比下降。

    When reynolds number is below the critical reynolds number , the performance of the fan will worsen with the decrease of reynolds number , i.e. the flow rate decline ; the efficiency decreased and the pressure ratio in surge point decreased .

  3. 主要研究的试验参数为预应力水平α和轴压比n。

    The main variables of this test are the axial compressive ratio n and the prestressing ratio α in steel plate hoop .

  4. 低周反复荷载下高轴压比RC框架柱的研究

    Study on the Behavior of RC Columns Under High Axial Force and Cyclic Lateral Load

  5. 生产SBR防老剂丁溶液定压比热容的测定

    Determination of specific heat capacity at constant pressure for antioxidant D in SBR production

  6. 采用高升压比DC-DC电路的多单元结构光伏系统研究

    Research on Multi-Cell Photovoltaic System with High Step-Up DC-DC Converter

  7. 高分压比CVT电容量及介损现场测量实例

    Example of Filed Measurement of Capacity and Dielectric Loss for High Ratio CVT

  8. 各组大鼠血清尿素氮、电解质和渗透压比差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the serum urea nitrogen , electrolyte and osmotic pressure among all the groups ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 反应溅射中O2和Ar的分压比,热处理中的加热温度是影响薄膜成分和质量的最关键因素。

    It is pointed out that the pressure of O2 and Ar in sputter chamber and the anneal temperature are key factors .

  10. 利用通用软件ANSYS对不同轴压比的钢筋混凝土十字形柱的抗扭性能进行非线性有限元分析。

    The nonlinear finite element analysis for the torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete + - shaped columns with various axial load ratios were conducted by the general software ANSYS .

  11. °气动矢量角随次主流压比SPR的增大而增大。

    Finally , the vectoring angle increases with the increasing of the ratio of secondary fluidic injection pressure to main flow pressure .

  12. 在此基础上,定义了降比r和压比G,根据r的大小,讨论了均匀坡毛管压力水头的分布;

    This paper also defines the reducing ratio to be r and the pressure ratio to be G , and according to the value of discusses the distribution of lateral pressure head on the uniform slope .

  13. 结合具体工程实践,分析了高性能GFRP条带等间距包裹钢筋混凝土方柱的强度、层数影响和轴压比导致的应变滞后情况。

    Specimens of square columns were tested and the results including strength , layers , axial compression ratio and strain-lag are analyzed .

  14. 并利用MATLAB软件中stepwise命令实现了以混凝土抗压强度、劈拉强度、劈压比为目标的回归分析,建立了回归方程。

    And using MATLAB software , stepwise command realized with concrete compressive strength , splitting tensile strength , splitting pressure ratio as the goal of regression analysis , the regression equation .

  15. 试验旨在研究在较高轴压比条件下,高弹模PVA纤维对超高强混凝土短柱抗震延性的改善作用。

    The primary objective is to study the effect of high-modulus PVA fibers on improving the seismic performance of super-high-strength concrete short columns with high axial pressure ratio .

  16. c.攻角、喷流压比、喷流马赫数、来流边界层状态等内、外流参数变化对横向喷流干扰效应的影响分析。

    Finally , the qualitative and quantitative effect of parameters such as attack angle , pressure ratio of jet , Mach number of jet and state of boundary layer on lateral jet interaction are analyzed in detail .

  17. 系统的分析了轴压比、含钢率、钢材屈服强度、混凝土强度、CFRP配置率、外环板尺寸等参数对骨架曲线的影响规律。

    Analysis of the influence of the axial compression ratio , steel ratio , steel yield strength , concrete strength , CFRP configuration rate , outer plate size and other parameters on the skeleton curve .

  18. 主要考察了轴压比、CFRP缠绕层数、轴压比及增大配箍率等参数对混凝土柱的滞回性能的影响。

    The influence of the main parameters in the experiment are axial compressive ratio , the wrap layers of CFRP , preloading stress and stirrup ratio for the hysteretic performance of concrete column is studied .

  19. 进一步利用JAP程序预测了不同剪压比,不同配筋特征值及不同轴压比条件下节点区的延性变化规律。

    Predictions were made on the ductility of the joint core when shear compression ratio , reinforcement contant and axial force ratio were different .

  20. 为了更好的比较原有制冷工质和新型替代工质对测试系统的影响,本文从基本的制冷循环出发,对循环的单位容积制冷量、COP以及循环压比等参数进行了计算比较。

    In order to compare the influence of the initial refrigerant and the new refrigerant to test system better , the volume refrigeration capacity per unit , COP and the ratio of pressure were calculated and compared from the basic refrigerant loop .

  21. 250hPa处的臭氧分压比背景值增加近5倍。

    The concentration of ozone in 250 hPa increases about 5 times then initial value .

  22. 针对O2/CO2气氛下石灰石煅烧分解特性进行了热力学分析和热重试验结果的动力学分析,将热力学分析结果与热重试验结果进行了对比,得出石灰石的起始分解温度随CO2分压比的增大而增高。

    Thermodynamic analysis of limestone calcination under O_2 / CO_2 atmosphere in fluidized bed condition was experimented . The results were accorded with thermodynamic analysis . The initial decomposing temperature of CaCO_3 increased with the increasing of CO_ 2 fractional pressure , but the increasing breadth was decreased .

  23. 本文利用非平衡磁控溅射技术,通过改变薄膜沉积时氮气和氩气分压比(PN/PAr)和靶基距,在Si(100)和钛合金(Ti6A14V)基体上制备了氮化钛薄膜。

    Titanium nitride films were grown by unbalanced magnetron sputtering on substrates of Si ( 100 ) and Ti alloy at different partial pressure ratios of N_2 and Ar and at different target substrate separations .

  24. 核心配筋率、等效轴压比和配箍特征值是影响RRC柱抗震性能的主要因素。

    The main factors that influence the seismic behavior of RRC columns are the percentage of central reinforcement , equivalent ratio of axial compression and characteristic value of stirrups .

  25. 研究了在CO2作为低沸点工质时,高沸点工质和中沸点工质对系统压比和性能系数COP的影响,以及这些性能参数随系统中CO2摩尔含量的变化情况。

    The influences of high boiling point refrigerants and middle boiling point refrigerants on the COP and pressure ratio of the system are investigated , and the corresponding changes of COP and pressure ratio of these mixtures with the change of carbon dioxide mole fraction are got .

  26. 本文结合试验数据,建立CS墙板非线性有限元模型,使用有限元分析软件ANSYS分析了边框截面、轴压比、钢丝直径等对CS墙板承载力影响。

    In this paper , based on the experiment datas , a nonlinear finite element model was given . Using the finite element software ANSYS , the effects of CS wall panel bearing capac - ity causing by frame cross-section and steel ware diameter and pulldown ratio were calculated .

  27. 研究结果表明,正确地选择混合工质,在相同的压比下,可使LHR循环比基本循环具有更高的热力学效率,而采用ACR循环可以较LHR循环更进一步提高循环的热力学效率。

    The conclusion is that if an appropriate refrigerant mixture is used , the LHR cycle can have a relatively higher thermodynamic efficiency than that of basic cycle , in case their pressure ratios are the same .

  28. 以氮气为工质,在充气压力为1.2MPa时发动机压比达到了1.29,在充气压力为2.4MPa时得到了250.3W的声功。

    Using nitrogen as working fluid , the maximum pressure ratio reached 1.29 with the filling pressure of 1.2 MPa , and the maximum output power reached 250.3 W with the filling pressure of 2.4 MPa .

  29. 以部分空气回热回注循环(PRSTIG)为基础,分析了燃气初温、压比、回注比、回热比等参数对循环效率、比功的影响。

    On the basis of a partial regenerative steam injected gas turbine ( PRSTIG ) cycle analyzed is the impact of such parameters as turbine entry temperature , pressure ratio , injection ratio and regeneration ratio , etc on cycle efficiency and specific work .

  30. 准二维电子系统的远红外栅压比谱

    Far infrared gate voltage ratio spectra of quasi two dimensional electron systems