
  • 网络indentation hardness
  1. 用VB程序求解岩石的压入硬度与塑性系数

    Calculating Rock 's Indentation Hardness and Plastic Coefficient with VB Program

  2. 结果表明:岩石压入硬度与声发射信号的积分RMS有最好的相关关系。

    It is indicated that there is the best correlation between rock indentation hardness and integrated RMS of AE events .

  3. 有可能利用积分RMS这一参数来估价岩石压入硬度,并进一步预报岩石可钻性。

    It is possible to use the parameter integrated RMS to assess rock indentation hardness and further to predict rock drillability .

  4. 为了查明岩石压入硬度与声发射参数如累计信号数、总能量、峰值RMS(信号均方根值)、积分RMS等之间的关系,在9种不同的岩石中进行了压入试验。

    In order to explore the correlation of rock indentation hardness with acoustic emission parameters such as accumulated number of events , total energy , peak RMS and integrated RMS . nine different types of rocks were tested .

  5. 研究结果表明,工业聚醚多元醇中添加EAP后制备的全水发泡软质聚氨酯(PU)泡沫塑料的压入硬度显著提高,但回弹性不变。

    The results showed that the indentation hardness of flexible polyurethane ( PU ) foams prepared with commercial polyether polyol containing EAP as polyol and water as blowing agent increased but the resiliency of these PU foams did not decrease .

  6. 仪器化压入硬度与维氏硬度的关系研究

    Investigation of Relationship between Instrumented Indentation Hardness and Vickers Hardness

  7. 压入硬度的数值范围在37~62MPa,与载荷成线性关系。

    And the indentation hardness is between 37 ~ 62 MPa , which is linear with the load .

  8. 压入硬度的修正方法&根据硬度和塑性系数估算破岩比功

    Correction of the Indentation Hardness Estimating the Rock Destruction Specific Energy Based on the Hardness and Plastic Co efficients

  9. 收集了大量钻井岩石力学性能指标,包括岩石可钻性、压入硬度、研磨性、抗压强度、泊松比、渗透率等10余种。

    Rock mechanical properties include many indicators , such as , drillability , hardness , plastic coefficient , compressive strength , modulus of elasticity , permeability , etc.

  10. 通过对钻井取心岩样压入硬度及模拟剪切的破岩试验,探寻利用岩石的声发射频率来判别井下岩石类型的可能性。

    Through compaction hardness and analog shear rock failure test to drilling core , the paper discusses the possibility of discriminating downhole rock type by using rock acoustic emission frequency .

  11. 在BCM&Ⅲ型微机上,对其数据进行了数理统计,建立了以岩石压入硬度、研磨性和塑性系数为主因子的岩石可钻性预测方程,方程的预估精度达80%左右。

    The regression equations between Vdm and the main properties of the rocks have been made up for predicting rock drillability in the light of these factors , having precision of about 80 % .

  12. 对气门密封面激光熔覆钴基合金层的计算结果显示,显微压入硬度法得到的残余应力分布数据与其它方法测得的激光熔覆层残余应力分布数据具有相同的变化趋势。

    That method was used for calculating the residual stress of laser cladding layer of the hermetic surface of valves . There is good agreement between our results and the others quoted from literature .

  13. 结果表明:在法向载荷小于10mN的范围内,腹部表皮的弹性模量和压入硬度均随载荷的增加而减小,弹性模量的数值范围在300~830MPa,且为载荷的幂函数;

    The results show that the elastic modulus and indentation hardness of the ventral epidermis decrease with the increase of the load , in the limits of 10 mN normal load . The elastic modulus is between 300 ~ 830 MPa , which is power function with the load .

  14. 弹体的侵彻过程与压入法测硬度相似。

    The penetration process is similar to Vickers hardness test .

  15. 压入法纳米硬度测量与亚太国际比对

    Nano Hardness Measurement by Static Indentation and Asia-Pacific Interlaboratory Comparison

  16. 侵彻时的应力状态与压入法测硬度相似,靶内应力状态为三向压应力。

    The penetration process is similar to Vickers hardness test , It is triaxial compressive stress condition in the target .