
  • 网络historical epistemology
  1. 历史认识论中的主体

    The Subject in History Epistemology

  2. 最后说明这一历史认识论在西方历史学理论长时段中的地位。

    At the same time , it will demonstrate that his historical epistemology plays an important role in western world .

  3. 加强历史认识论的研究,是历史认识活动和史学理论发展的需要。

    To further the study of historical epistemology is the needs of historical cognitive activity and the development of the historiography .

  4. 80年代以来历史认识论研究兴起的学术背景、理论焦点及其思想的发展趋势值得关注。

    It is worth observing the historical epistemology studies ever since 1980 's , including the rise of its academic background , theoretical focus and the trend of development .

  5. 因此,有必要从历史认识论的角度对二重证据法在古史研究中的应用问题进行讨论,以期探索二重证据法本身所包含的历史认识论的合理内核及其局限性。

    On this basis the writer of the paper intends to discuss the application of dual attestation in historical researches from the epistemological perspective , the purpose of which is to explore into its rationalities as well as limitations .

  6. 日本的社会教育与历史认识述论

    The Weaknesses Embodied in the Historical Comprehension of the Past Based on the Social Education in Japan

  7. 刑事证据制度具有历史与认识论渊源,认识论与证明标准紧密相连。

    Criminal evidence system has both historical and epistemological origins . The epistemological theory has close relationship with the standard of proof .

  8. 首先叙述人们对历史规律的认识论定义的讨论。

    First it described the discussion of the definition of the historical epistemology .

  9. 在这种社会&历史模式的认识论中,归根到底,生产力发展状况是检验人们的社会性认识以及个体认识是否具真理性的唯一标准。

    In the final analysis , the state of productive force is the soluble criterion of truth to human social cognition and individual cognition .

  10. 具体来说,历史体系的认识论关注以下两点:(1)把不确定性(和局部性)当成极其重要的分析变量;(2)关注体系中的复杂性。

    To be specific , the epistemology of historical system concerns the following two aspects : firstly , it takes uncertainty as an extremely important variable ; secondly , focusing on the complexity within the system .

  11. 这种流行了百来年观点的形成有复杂的社会历史原因,从认识论可归结为语言共性因、片面比较因、进口评价因、阶级分析性和综合生成因五个方面。

    This opinion has its complicated social and historical causes of language commonness , one-sided comparison , imported evaluation , class analysis and comprehensive generation .

  12. 马克思的历史哲学将历史认识论、历史价值论、历史审美论统一起来,在历史观领域实现知、情、意,真、善、美的内在统一。

    Marxian historical philosophy unifies historical epistemology , historical axiology and historical aesthetics and realizes the internal unification of awareness , sensibility and will be truth , goodness and beauty in historical realm .

  13. 狄尔泰的历史理性批判旨在为历史哲学奠定认识论基础,把历史定义为记忆,探寻历史知识的可能性,追问历史的意义。

    Dilthey 's critique of historical reason aimed to provide the epistemological basis for philosophy of history , define history as memory , find the possibility of historical knowledge and inquire about the meaning of history .

  14. 近年来一些学者反思过去研究中的简单化倾向,对历史规律的研究开始进入到历史认识论的层面,对规律的理解日益深入和具体。

    Recent years some scholars find that it is oversimplified to do so and they begin to dig their way into the area of historical epistemology for a better and clearer understanding of the patterns of historical development .

  15. 此后历史哲学研究的重点由历史本体论转到历史认识论上来,从而开辟了“分析的历史哲学”这门新科学。

    Walsh named the epistemology of history as Speculative Philosophy of History and the knowledge of Philosophy of History as Analytical Philosophy of History .

  16. 他对历史哲学的地位进行科学的解说,并对历史本体论、历史认识论作了研究,为建立历史哲学的中国学派做出了贡献。

    He contributed to historical philosophy for building Chinese school of thought by scientific defining the status of historical philosophy , researching historical ontology and historical epistemology .

  17. 科学形象的历史描述皮克林的批判编史学及有关争议之分析历史认识真理标准的三家十二说新时期历史认识论研究学案之二

    Historical Account of Science : on Pickering 's Critical Historiography and Its Dispute 12 THEORIES FROM 3 SCHOOLS ON THE STANDARD OF TESTING THE VERIFICATION AND OBJECTIVITY OF HISTORICAL RECOGNITION The Second Part of the Research on the Historical Epistemology in the New Period

  18. 后现代主义史学从历史叙述文本的主观性和新解释学理论入手来批判19世纪以来形成的对历史认识客观性的信念,对西方的历史认识论产生了很大冲击,促进了当代西方史学的反思和变革。

    Post - modernists deem that the text of history is subjective and , by the theory of new hermeneutic , criticize the faith that the knowledge of history is objective , a kind of faith that was formed since the 19th century .

  19. 历史哲学的两个分支思辩历史哲学与批判历史哲学在理论形态方面是前后相继的关系,在问题域方面则是作为历史本体论与历史认识论而互补的。

    The two branches of historical philosophy historical thinking philosophy and historical critical philosophy are of a inheriting relationship in theoretical form , and are complementary in historical noumenon and historical cognition .