
  • 网络Historical Nihilism;history nihilism
  1. 四是克服了历史虚无主义的态度。

    Fourthly , it overcame the attitudes of the historical nihilism .

  2. 虚无的背后&新时期历史虚无主义思潮论析

    Behind the Nihilism & An Analysis of Historical Nihilism of the New Era

  3. 当前文艺批评中的历史虚无主义倾向

    Trend of Nihilism on History Shown in the Current Literature and Art Criticisms

  4. 在继承传统文化方面表现出历史虚无主义。

    Historical nihilism exist in inheriting traditional culture .

  5. 又反对历史虚无主义。科学地认识和把握现代化进程,继承与超越,创新与学习并举。

    Realizing and mastering modernization process , inheriting and exceeding , creating and studying historical thinking method .

  6. 反对历史虚无主义,坚持唯物史观,是思想意识形态领域中的一场长期的斗争。

    Opposing the historical nihilism thoroughly and adhering to the materialist conception of history is a long-term struggle in the ideological field .

  7. 历史虚无主义是在西方各种以唯心主义历史观为哲学基础的思潮影响下产生的一种社会政治和文化思潮。

    Historical nihilism is a socio-political and cultural ideological trend which is produced under the influence of a variety of ideological trends based on the philosophy of historical idealism in the western world .

  8. 其中,弘扬孔子的文化思想、建立适应现代社会的道德体系、反对民族虚无主义和历史虚无主义是要中之要。

    It is the most important of all to further strengthen the cultural idea of Confucius , establish a moral system that better suits the modern society and oppose the national and historical nihilism .

  9. 近年来历史虚无主义在中国有一股重新泛起之势。咎其表现,主要是否定与社会主义相关的历史,实质是主张在中国走资本主义道路。

    The ideological trend of nihilism on history has returned in China recently , which mainly denies the history about socialism and whose essence is standing for the road of capitalism through its behaviour .

  10. 其中有些看法和意见所流露的思想倾向,存在明显的历史虚无主义、文化保守主义、自由主义、非理性主义和宗教色彩。这是作者所坚决反对的。

    There lies many opinions , which the author is strongly against , those ideas are the following : obvious historical nihilism , cultural conservatism , liberalism , non-rationalism and some ideas with a religion color .

  11. 虚无主义具体表现为诸多精神症候,如怀疑主义或相对主义、民族虚无主义、集体虚无主义、历史虚无主义、道德虚无主义、宗教世俗化及神秘主义等等。以上所有精神症候都无一例外地揭示出了人类无家可归的窘境。

    Nihilism manifests symptoms , such as many spirit skeptical or relativism , national nihilism , collective nihilism , historical nihilism , moral nihilism , religious secular and mysticism , etc. Above all the spiritual symptoms without exception , reveals the human "" homeless dilemma .

  12. 历史虚无主义从本质上讲是一种唯心史观,世界观和历史观都具有鲜明的阶级性,超阶级、超党派地分析研究历史现象和历史事件,事实上是不可能存在的。

    Historical nihilism is essentially a kind of idealist conception of history , of which the view of world and history has a distinct class character . It is , in fact , impossible to analyze historical phenomena and events " supra-class " and " non-partially " .

  13. 同时,也不能认为历史缺乏客观标准而导致历史虚无主义。

    At the same time , also cannot think that the history lacks the objective test to cause the history nihilism .

  14. 以科学的历史观指导历史评价&兼评历史虚无主义思潮

    To Guide Historical Evaluations by the Scientific Conception of History & A Concurrent Comment on the Trend of Historical Nihilism

  15. 然而新历史主义最终却由“回到历史”走向了历史虚无主义。

    However , finally New Historicismwalks up to Non-Historicism from the history-orientation .

  16. 儒家是一种历史退化观,墨家是功利主义驱动下的法先王,道家是一种复古、历史虚无主义,而阴阳家则是一种历史循环论。

    Confucian view of history is a kind of degradation , mohism is utilitarianism under the drive of " king ", Taoism is a kind of " retro " and " historical nihilism ", while the yin-yang school is a kind of " historicism " .

  17. 坚持科学历史观问题的提出,主要是针对近代史研究领域,尤其是最近一段时间以来党史研究领域出现的历史虚无主义思潮而言的。

    To raise the question of maintaining the scientific conception of history is primarily aiming at a trend of historical nihilism which has recently appeared in the study area of modern history , and especially in the area of study on the Party history .