
chǎng shāng
  • manufacturer;firm;factory owner
厂商 [chǎng shāng]
  • (1) [firm]∶工厂和商店(多指私营的)

  • (2) [factory owner]∶开工厂的人

厂商[chǎng shāng]
  1. 价格是由厂商制定的。

    Prices are laid down by the manufacturer .

  2. 此外,用户可以导航到厂商的Web站点&同样通过弹出窗口呈现。

    In addition , users can navigate to the manufacturer 's Web site & also rendered in a pop-up w in dow .

  3. 汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。

    Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale .

  4. 厂商现在也研发出了消费者版外骨骼,来帮助人们更容易地从事DIY(自己动手做)、走路、爬楼梯和其他日常活动。

    Versions for consumers are also now being developed to help people more easily do everything from DIY , to walking , climbing stairs , and other daily activities .

  5. 我们的生产厂商手头有许多积压而没有交付的订单。

    Our manufacturers have heavy backlogs on their hands .

  6. 由于更多的厂商参与竞争,推销彩色电视机的宣传更为激烈了。

    Colour TV has been more aggressively promoted as more manufacturers have joined the competition .

  7. 因此,从事目标营销(targetmarketing)工作的电脑厂商必定能够更有效地服务好顾客。

    So , The computer manufacturers engaged in target marketing can certainly serve their customers more effectively .

  8. 作为一个统一的国际标准,STEP得到了许多知名CAD厂商的支持。

    As a unitive international standard , STEP is supported by many well-known CAD system .

  9. 厂商将服务封装成对独立的Web服务,发布到服务代理级目录上。

    Manufacturers encapsulate the services as some individual Web Services , and then distribute them to the directory of brokers .

  10. GPS手机芯片厂商任重道远

    GPS Chip Manufactures for Mobile phone

  11. ECMA是欧洲计算机厂商协会(EuropeanComputerManufacturersAssociation),一个管理众多标准的协会。

    ECMA is the European Computer Manufacturers Association , a consortium that manages many standards .

  12. 本文讨论了主要UNIX厂商提供的虚拟化产品,并将它们与IBM产品对比。

    This article discussed the offerings of the top UNIX vendors and compared them to IBM .

  13. MC模式下顾客需求与厂商供应的纳什均衡

    The Nash Equilibrium between customers ' demands and Enterprises ' supplies under MC

  14. 随着目前无线互联技术的飞速发展,无线USB(WirelessUSB)的相关技术标准也在相关厂商的推动下积极发展。

    With the rapid development of wireless interconnection , specification of Wireless USB is being promoted actively by correlative companies .

  15. Intel公司是网络处理器的领导厂商之一。

    Intel corporation is one of the main manufacturers which develop network processors .

  16. 同时为了保持价格的吸引力,PC厂商们都尽量地减少销售渠道的流通成本。

    At the same time for keep appeal of price , PC manufacturers try hard to reduce circulation cost of marketing channel .

  17. 它的创建旨在让独立于厂商的开放、透明的社区得以围绕Eclipse繁荣起来。

    It was created to allow a vendor-neutral , open , and transparent community to flourish around Eclipse .

  18. 适用于各SP厂商和IAP的开发厂商。

    The protocol is applied to all SP and IAP .

  19. B2B电子商务越来越多地采用XML交易的形式&订购商品一般需要发送XML消息到厂商的XML服务器。

    Increasingly , B2B e-business takes the form of XML transactions & ordering goods usually involves sending an XML message to the XML server of a supplier .

  20. 选择一个数据库厂商类型(Cloudscapev5.1),并点击Finish。

    Select a Database vendor type ( Cloudscape v5.1 ) and click Finish .

  21. 差异Bertrand寡占厂商的技术许可策略

    Licensing strategy of innovating firm in a differentiated Bertrand oligopoly

  22. 由于微软的Office属于非开源软件,其他软件厂商很难完全兼容微软Office,并且用户需要支付相关费用才能使用和升级。

    Because Microsoft Office is non-open source software , other software makers can not completely compatible with Microsoft Office , and the user can pay related fees to use and upgrade it .

  23. SVC装置的参数由于各厂商考虑不同而方法各异。

    Calculation methods of parameters for the SVC device are different due to different assumptions of factories .

  24. Android操作系统以Google公司为后盾,博众取长,以其友好的人机交互界面和开源等优点成为各大厂商的首选。

    Android operating system take Google Corporation as the backing , with its friendly man-machine interface and open source has become the major manufacturers preferred .

  25. 基于NF浏览器的爱可信移动客户端套件是为移动终端厂商及运营商提供的完整的下一代移动通信解决方案。

    ACCESS mobile client-end suite based on NF browser is a complete next generation communication solution for mobile terminal manufacturers and carriers .

  26. 有些打印机可能使用厂商特定的PDL。

    Some printers may use a vendor-specific PDL .

  27. 随着3G的一步步临近,国内手机厂商也面临3G手机所涉技术专利和知识产权所带来的、来自两方面的经营风险和挑战。

    With the coming 3G era , domestic manufacturers are facing challenges in terms of 3G mobile telephone technology patents and other related intellectual property .

  28. 显然这些企业将收购一个小PPM厂商并将其作为工具业务的一部分。

    Typically these companies will acquire one of the niche PPM vendors and make it part of their tools business .

  29. 由于SNMP和MIB被各厂商所接受,因此笔者提出的算法具有通用性。

    SNMP and MIB are supported by most of network device manufacturer , so the algorithm has its universality .

  30. 由于各机顶盒厂商采用的平台各不相同,需求也不尽相同,使得CA模块在开发完新功能后的验证以及跟不同厂家不同平台的机顶盒的集成非常困难。

    Because the platform and the requirements are different for the STB manufacturers , it makes too difficult to validate the new added CA functions and integrate to different STBs .