
xiè zhuāng
  • Remove makeup;remove stage makeup and costume;take off formal dress and ornaments
卸妆 [xiè zhuāng]
  • [remove stage makeup and costume] 演员除去化装时穿戴涂抹的东西

卸妆[xiè zhuāng]
  1. toner:护肤水,爽肤水Girls'nighttimeskincareroutine女孩的夜间护肤流程我真的难以形容,每天的卸妆洁面有多重要。

    I cannot express how important it is for you to take your makeup off and to do your face wash every single day .

  2. 在晚间,卸妆、清洁及使用调肤水后,一次使用一整瓶IRS,连续使用14天。

    Apply one vial of IRS at night after cleansing and toning for 14 consecutive days .

  3. 功能:DCE眼部卸妆液是专门为敏感的眼部开发的眼部专用卸妆液。

    Efficacy : DCE eye makeup remover is specially designed for removing makeup around sensitive eyes .

  4. Tips:卸妆时决不能直接从眼皮上撕下,否则眼睛只会更松弛,一定要按照步骤来卸妆。

    Tips : when discharge makeup can never directly from the eyelid torn off , or eyes will only more relaxed , must according to the steps to discharge makeup .

  5. 先是洁面,通常要用两种洁面产品(先是卸妆油,然后是泡沫洁面乳),然后用柔肤水平衡脸上的pH值。

    And it is exhaustive . First , there 's cleansing , often with two different cleansers ( one oil-based to remove makeup , then a foaming cleanser ) , followed by a toner to balance pH levels on the face .

  6. 一位法院的消息人士告诉Emirates247网站:“新郎告诉法官,他的新婚妻子卸妆后他无法辨认出这是之前的那个人。”

    A court source told Emirates 247 : " The groom told the judge that he could not recognise his wife after she washed the make-up off her face .

  7. 打开我的床头柜,拿出我肉桂味的卸妆油。

    Go into my nightstand and get my cinnamon-flavored make-up remover .

  8. 珍妮花:不是。这防水睫毛膏有卸妆水可用。

    Jennifer : No. There 's makeup remover for waterproof mascara .

  9. 一定要记得,在倒卸妆液的时候,先把它摇匀。

    Just remember to shake your make-up remover before decanting it .

  10. 所以他们才要你卸妆

    That 's why they want you with no makeup .

  11. 一想到等一下还要卸妆,我就会变得很懒。

    Just thinking about taking off my make-up , I feel very lazy .

  12. 必须使用卸妆物品卸除。

    Must be removed with an appropriate makeup solvent .

  13. 噢,对了,别忘了再买一些卸妆液。

    Oh , and don 't forget to pick up some make-up remover .

  14. 你需要用卸妆药水和眼部清洗油去除你的彩妆。

    You need to take off your make-up with lotion and eye make-up remover .

  15. 一款多用,卸妆、去角质、淋巴引流等多种应用。

    Multi-use of one : remove make-up , gently exfoliate , Lymphatic Drainage Massage .

  16. 能不能就把它称为“卸妆油”啊?

    Can we please call it make-up remover ?

  17. 你终于看到她卸妆后的样子了?

    You finally saw her without her makeup ?

  18. 删除:使用以石油为基础的眼卸妆轻轻剥离和删除。

    To Remove : Use oil-based eye make-up remover to gently peel off and remove .

  19. 如果你需要帮忙,卡洛琳还剩点“卸妆油”哦。

    Well , if you need any help , Caroline 's got some make-up remover .

  20. 用棉花沾取适量卸妆液,轻柔擦拭肌肤即可卸除彩妆等不洁物。

    Apply some with cotton pad , gently scrub skin to remove mask and dirt .

  21. 她把卸妆水倒在卸妆棉上,开始为左半边脸卸妆。

    She applies some makeup remover to one pad and then proceeds to removing half her face .

  22. 自然的眼部卸妆。

    Natural eye make-up remover .

  23. 要卸掉它,使用一种油性的眼部卸妆液就可以完全卸掉它。

    For its removal , an oil-based eye make-up remover is essential to take it off properly .

  24. 卸妆后:安吉丽娜·茱莉上周在柏林参加电影《特务间谍》的首映礼。

    Reality : The star as she appears normally attends the premiere of Salt in Berlin last week

  25. 完美的水溶性乳霜,能彻底卸妆及去除尘垢,感觉柔润不油腻。

    This perfected , water soluble cream completely removes makeup and environmental grime , without leaving greasy residue .

  26. 以前我会用专门的眼部卸妆油,但是婴儿油一样好用而且更便宜。

    I used to buy eye make-up remover but found that baby oil is just as good and cheaper .

  27. 理想的情况是,乘客(不是机舱工作人员)应该在起飞前卸妆。

    Ideally , passengers , not cabin crew , should take make-up off at the start of a flight .

  28. 无纺布面膜、眼膜、化妆棉、卸妆棉、化妆品便携袋。

    Nonwovens face film , eye film , makes up cotton , remove makeup cotton , cosmetic portable bags .

  29. 不用昂贵的卸妆巾,可以用一般牌子的婴儿用清洁巾来卸妆。

    Stop paying top dollar for makeup removal pads . Try generic brands of baby wipes to remove makeup .

  30. 他们招募了一组20多岁的女性拍摄卸妆照。

    They recruited a group of women in their 20s and photographed them after they had just washed their faces .