
  • 网络Volume Manager;volume management;LVM;nova-volume
  1. 本节定义逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)并介绍它的一些特性。

    This section defines the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) and introduces some of its features .

  2. Linux中可用的一个最重要的服务是逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)。

    One of the most important services available in Linux is the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) .

  3. 剖析IBMRS/6000系列小型机逻辑卷管理

    Analysis on the logical volume management of the IBM RS / 6000 computer

  4. 基于SAN的分布式卷管理架构及实现

    Architecture and Implement of the Distributed Volume in SAN

  5. Linux卷管理系统Snapshot技术的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of the Snapshot Technique of Logical Volume Management System on Linux

  6. AIX逻辑卷管理技术剖析

    Anatomizing of logical volume management of AIX

  7. NAS设备卷管理模块中失效数据恢复问题研究

    Research of Failure-data Recovery of Volume Manage Module for NAS

  8. 这个功能为逻辑卷管理以及软件RAID提供了很好的支持。

    The tool also provides decent support for Logical Volume Management as well as Software RAID .

  9. 在NAS设备中,卷管理模块的性能是整个系统性能好坏的关键。

    The performance of volume manager module is very important to NAS device .

  10. NAS系统中卷管理器的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Volume Management in NAS

  11. NAS设备卷管理模块设计及其实现

    Design of Volume Manage Module for NAS System

  12. 对linux逻辑卷管理器,linux的进程通讯机制,缓冲机制进行了深入的研究,对已有的复制技术进行了整理和总结。

    I investigate in detail the Logic volume manager of Linux , the process communication mechanism and cache mechanism , in addition , summarize the existent replication technologies .

  13. 本文介绍了IBM的UNIX&AIX中的逻辑卷管理技术以及与传统UNIX的文件系统管理技术相比的优势。

    This paper introduces the logical volume management technology in UNIX-AIX of IBM , and the advantage over the file system management technology in UNIX .

  14. 利用Linux操作系统的虚拟设备驱动程序机制,在卷管理系统中嵌入远程复制功能,通过截获和复制逻辑卷上所有的写请求实现逻辑卷的复制。

    Accompanied with mechanism of virtual device driver in Linux , and assisted by Logical Volume Manager , LVR intercepts the writing requirements and fulfills the mission of replication .

  15. 您也可以按照在MBR磁盘上的相似方式创建逻辑卷管理(LVM)和RAID配置。

    You can also create logical volume management ( LVM ) and RAID configurations much as you would on MBR disks .

  16. 为了提高NAS系统的性能,设计一个良好的卷管理模块是关键。

    In order to improve the performance of NAS system , the key is to design a better volume manager module .

  17. 第二,在RAID实现中,通过整合逻辑卷管理器改进了原磁盘阵列管理不够灵活的缺点;

    Secondly , in the implementation of the RAID , this paper makes usage of Logic Volume Manager to overcome the limitation of the flexible RAID subsystem .

  18. 正如前面所讨论的,ZFS合并了卷管理功能来提取底层物理存储设备到文件系统。

    As discussed earlier , ZFS incorporates a volume-management function to abstract underlying physical storage devices to the file system .

  19. ZFS将逻辑卷管理器的概念与功能丰富的和可大规模扩展的文件系统结合起来。

    ZFS combines the concepts of a logical volume manager with a very feature rich and massively scalable file system .

  20. 逻辑卷管理(LVM)指系统将物理卷管理抽象到更高的层次,常常会形成更简单的管理模式。

    Logical volume management ( LVM ) is a way systems can abstract physical volume management into a higher-level and usually simpler paradigm .

  21. ZFS还完全消除了对卷管理器的需求,改为使用池存储,多个文件系统可以共享一个存储池。

    ZFS also completely eliminates the need for volume managers , instead using pooled storage where many filesystems can share a pool .

  22. 它将报告所有文件系统层次的使用率,包括逻辑卷管理器(LVM)、虚拟内存和物理磁盘层。

    It reports on all layers of file system utilization , including the Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ), virtual memory , and physical disk layers .

  23. 虽然它确实不需要独立的卷管理器,但它仍然无法替代SVM或Veritas所使用的卷管理器。

    While it 's true that it does not require a separate volume manager , it still does not replace the volume manager used by either SVM or Veritas .

  24. 因为所有的磁盘都已在LVM的控制之下,所以您不需要分区或将磁盘定义为受卷管理器管理。

    Because all disks are already under the control of the LVM , you don 't need to partition nor define disk as being under a volume manager .

  25. 目前开发了一个基于Linux的逻辑卷管理器(LVM)的远程数据复制系统&逻辑卷复制器(LVR)。

    We now present a distant data replication system named Logical Volume Replicator ( LVR ) which is based on Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) on the platform of Linux .

  26. 使用适当的系统文件或卷管理工具将lcr副本的日志、系统文件和数据库移到这些位置。

    Use the appropriate file system or volume management tool to move the logs , system files , and database of the LCR copy to these locations .

  27. 查看I/O栈可以帮助您理解这一点,因为逻辑卷管理器(LogicalVolumeManager,LVM)和磁盘布置要比优化参数(ioo和vmo)更接近于底层。

    Looking at the I / O stack helps you to understand this , as Logical Volume Manager ( LVM ) and disk placement are closer to the bottom than the tuning parameters ( ioo and vmo ) .

  28. 此简短演示探究了通过文件系统进行的卷管理的整合,并展示了管理ZFS(即使是故障时)有多简单。

    This short demonstration explores the consolidation of volume management with a file system and shows how easy it is to administer ZFS ( even in the face of failures ) .

  29. 最后,Snapshot备份机制:利用逻辑卷管理系统提供的Snapshot技术,可以进行从系统数据的在线/离线备份,并可以作为远程备份的补充,提高DDT系统的整体可靠性。

    Fourth , Snapshot Backup mechanism : DDT system can backup data of Secondary system online or off-line based on the Snapshot technology of LVM , which is the supplement of Remote Backup and can improve the reliability of DDT system .

  30. VERITAS卷管理器(VxVM)是一个存储管理子系统,它允许您以逻辑设备(称为卷)的形式管理物理磁盘。

    VERITAS Volume Manager ( VxVM ) is a storage management subsystem that enables you to manage physical disks as logical devices called volumes .