
  1. 第8阶段,滤泡细胞分泌卵黄膜包围卵黄物质;

    Follicle cells secrete vitelline envelope ( VE ) surrounding the yolk ;

  2. 北京油葫芦卵黄物质形成的超微结构观察信念的形成

    Formation of Belief On Substance

  3. 孵化后第5天消化系统的发育完全,并且卵黄物质消耗完毕。

    At the larva 5 , the digestive system is finished and the yolk is working out .

  4. 对于卵生动物来说,卵黄物质的形成与积累是卵子发生过程中的重要事件。

    For oviparous animals , yolk formation and accumulation are the important events in the process of oogenesis .

  5. 卵黄物质的来源有内源性和外源性两种方式,外源性卵黄物质主要来自消化腺中贮存的营养。

    Granule materials in oocytes were both endogenous and exogenous and the exogenic nutrients were mainly derived from digestive gland .

  6. 它包括两部分物质来源:一部分是由血淋巴通过滤泡细胞间隙向卵母细胞提供合成卵黄物质;

    One is blood lymph that offers some useful materials for the oocyte to synthesize vitelline material directly through follicle cell gaps ;

  7. 消化酶以及同工酶对卵黄物质的利用和胚胎发育的物质代谢起重要作用。

    Digestive enzymes and isozymes played an important role in the process of utilization of yolk nutrients and metabolism of substances during embryonic development .

  8. 这些形态变化支持滤泡细胞具有吸收血液营养、合成并向卵母细胞输送原始卵黄物质的功能的观点。

    These morphological changes are in keeping with the observation that follicular cells function in absorbing nutrients from blood , synthesizing and transferring pro yolk substance to oocytes .

  9. 在鳙鱼胚胎发育的几个早期阶段,作者观察到在胚盘、分裂球和囊胚层细胞与卵黄这种重要物质之间有某种有机联系。

    The authors have observed that the blastoderm , the blastomeres and the blastula cells have intimate relation with the yolk which plays a very important part in the development of the embryo .

  10. 卵黄原蛋白是昆虫卵黄发生的关键物质。

    Vitellogenin is the key factor in vitellogenesis in insects .

  11. 结果表明,卵黄囊是由卵黄囊膜和包裹其内部的卵黄物质组成。

    The results show that , the yolk sac encloses the yolk sac membrane and its content of yolk .