
  • 网络Free Action;immediate action;Real Time Action
  1. 即时动作。指示灯形式为:红灯亮;

    In this case , the red indicator light will be lighted .

  2. 即时搜索动作与搜索动作基本相同,不同之处在于它能向服务器自动提交你输入的搜索条件。

    The LiveSearch action is the same as search except that it automatically submits the search conditions to the server as you type .

  3. 其中的诀窍在于让电脑不断地将动作出现之前(时间可长达一秒钟)的神经讯息组合起来,如此便能即时做出最佳的动作预测。

    The main trick was for the computer to continuously combine neuronal activity produced as far back in time as one second to best predict movements in real time .