
  1. 因而,被人为散至各地的许多野天鹅种群已经丧失了迁徙能力如迁徙便是沿着威胁它们生存的危险路线飞行。

    Consequently , many populations of birds restored to various locations by humans have lost the ability to migrate & or they follow perilous routes that threaten their survival .

  2. 你着火了危险危险路线错误

    You are on fire . Danger . Danger . You are going the wrong way .

  3. 最危险的路线是地中海,2014年有3400多人死在途中。

    The most dangerous routes have been across the Mediterranean Sea where more than 3,400 people have died in 2014 .

  4. 道路危险货物运输路线优化评价研究

    Preliminary investigation for route 's optimization research about transportation of dangerous goods

  5. 危险货物运输路线模糊综合评判模型

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of transportation routes of dangerous goods

  6. 实际证明,道路危险货物运输路线优化是有效降低运输风险的重要措施之一。

    The reality shows that the route optimization for hazmat transport is one of most effectively measures to reduce transportation risk .

  7. 这意味着我们不会完全忽略较深层次的将死下法。如果静止搜索仔细考虑非常狭窄,但是危险的下法路线,就可以发现它们。

    This means that I can catch slightly deeper checkmates if they are forced because the quiescence search considers extremely narrow , but dangerous lines .

  8. 讨论了时变条件下带时间窗限制的单对单多目标道路危险货物运输路线优化问题。

    Discusses the problem related to multi-objective route optimization for the road hazmat transport with time windows constraints and time-varying attributes and for a given pair of origin and destination .