
  • 网络crisis theory
  1. 粮食危机论:折射经济学家的思维分歧

    Food Crisis Theory : Refraction the Economists ' Different Thoughts

  2. 美元危机论

    Crisis theory of U.S. dollar

  3. 对“心理学危机论”的再思考

    Rethink for " thinking about the view of the crisis of psychology "

  4. 台湾全民健康保险财务危机论析

    Analysis of financial crisis of health insurance of all the people of Taiwan

  5. 中国城市化进程中的合理性危机论

    On the theory of rational crisis in the process of China 's urbanization

  6. 浅谈生态旅游水资源危机论

    Preliminary Discussion on Ecological Tourism WATER RESOURCES CRISIS

  7. 比较文学危机论与中国比较文学学科理论体系建构

    " Comparative Literature Crisis " and Disciplinary Theory System Construction of China Comparative Literature

  8. 文学危机论是一个伪命题&与赖大仁教授等商榷

    Theory of Literature Crisis is Essentially A Pseudo Theory & Discussion with Prof. Lai Daren

  9. 但伴随着大豆进口数量的迅猛增长,大豆产业危机论开始笼罩市场。

    But with the rapid growth of soybean import , soybean industry begins to face crisis .

  10. 奥康纳的双重危机论既吸收了传统马克思主义的生态思想或生态意蕴,又借鉴了法兰克福学派、莱斯、阿格尔等生态马克思主义学者的思想,同时也借鉴了生态学、系统学及自然科学等理论。

    The dual-crisis theory absorbed the traditional Marxist theory and learned from eco-Marxist theory of Frankfurt school , Royce , Agger and so on .

  11. 生存危机论因其强烈的反经济与反现代观点,而遭到资本主义社会工商界的拒斥并逐渐退出历史舞台。

    This school gradually withdrew from the stage of history under the firmly rejection of capitalist , because of its strong anti-economic and anti-modernist viewpoint .

  12. 而对于美国教育保障事业最直接的思想影响来自当时的政治理论&国家安全危机论。大学思想政治理论课与高中内容严重脱节或重复;

    The theory of Crisis of Nation Security , too . the politics - thought lessons of ordinary college contradict or repeat those of ordinary middle school ;

  13. 在传统文化危机论的大背景下,随着现代科技的迅猛发展,中华民族传统文化正遭遇种种危机。

    With the rapid development of modern science and technology , the traditional Chinese culture is experiencing various crises on the broader context of the critical traditional culture .

  14. 20世纪80年代以来,社会主义运动遭受了重大挫折,马克思主义危机论甚嚣尘上,西方学者面对历史的深刻变化努力反思马克思主义的生命力,反思社会主义的前途命运。

    Since 80s of the 20th century , the socialist movement has been frustrated . Facing this situation , western scholars have reflected this change and socialist future .

  15. 他的伦理思想主要包括人性异化论、技术异化论和生态危机论三个方面。

    Accordingly , Marcuse 's ethical theory consists of three aspects , that is , the theory of the alienation of human nature , of the alienation of technology , and of the ecological crisis .

  16. 首先指出了双重危机论的积极意义;其次分析了双重危机论的局限性;最后介绍了奥康纳危机论对我国生态文明建设和经济建设的现实意义。

    Firstly , the author points out the positive significance of dual-crisis theory . Secondly , the author analyzes the disadvantage of the dual-crisis . Finally , the author presents that the dual-crisis has practical significance in building the ecological civilization and economic security of our country .

  17. 国际冲突研究的误区:“人道主义危机”论

    A misleading on the study of international conflict : theory of " crisis of humanitarianism "

  18. 特里和他的搭档在星期天的表现说明了一点:任何危机之论都将不攻自破。

    John Terry and company made a very significant point on Sunday : dismiss us at your peril .

  19. 从危机公关视角论警察对社会公共事件的处理

    On the Solution of Police on Social and Public Events from the Perspective of Public Relation on Crisis

  20. 第一节是文章整体框架的建构,以危机传播阶段论和问题框架模式为理论框架。

    Section one introduces the framework of the dissertation , with stages of crisis communication and Problem-framing Model theories as the theoretical foundation .

  21. 分析典型论局限性的目的,在于对陷入理论危机的典型论提供一个建设性的参照点。

    The purpose of analyzing the limitations lies in providing a constructive point of reference for the theory of typicality that is bogging down into crisis .

  22. 结合传统意义上的危机四段论,结合实际案例,提出了危机六段论,并对其进行分析阐述。

    Combining with the traditional meaning if four sections of theories of crisis and the real cases , and put forward six sections of theories of a brand new crisis , analyze and study it .

  23. 危机及其出路&论西方哲学的语言学转向

    Crisis and Its Way Out & On " Direction Change of Linguistics " of The Western Philosophy

  24. 本文以新兴市场经济体货币危机和人民币升值论等当前国际经济学中的热点问题开篇起笔,详细讨论了人民币汇率制度选择问题。

    The paper is derived from those hot questions of international economics on currency crisis of emerging market and the theory on RMB appreciation , and elaborates on the problem of RMB exchange rate regime choice .

  25. 社会危机的文明批判论,揭示了现代社会危机的实质是文明的失调与对抗,指出摆脱危机的出路在于协调发展。

    Thirdly , the critique theory of crisis reveals that the essentiality of modern society crisis is imbalance , and confrontation of civilization points out that coordinated development is the best way to break away from crisis .

  26. 以康德的审美意识理论为代表的主体论美学使得美学面临着严重的危机,而主体论美学的主要弊端在于强调审美主体的作用和形式主义原则,否认艺术作品的真理性。

    It is the subjective aesthetics initiated by Kant that causes enormous crisis to aesthetics , and the major drawback of this theory are overemphasizing the importance of aesthetic subject and the importance of art form but dening the truth in artistic works .

  27. 从意识形态与现代性、后现代性相互关系的分析入手,通过对晚期资本主义合法化危机以及主体认识论模式终结等讨论的分析,阐释全球化与后现代妥协策略的可能性。

    This essay , by starting from the inter-relations among ideology , modernity and post-modernity , and by analysis of the legal crisis of late capitalism as well as the end of the subject-epistemology mode , makes a probes into the possible compromise between globalization and post-modernization .

  28. 比较文学学科永恒危机的逾越&兼及巴斯奈特与米勒的比较文学危机论

    A Research On the Transgression of The Eternal Risk View In Comparative Literature Discipline

  29. 现代教育的危机实质是教育意义的危机,而教育意义的危机根源于知识论哲学。

    Significance crisis is the essential of modern education crisis , and it roots in the traditional epistemology philosophy .