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yìn xǐ
  • emperor's seal
印玺 [yìn xǐ]
  • [emperor's seal] 印信,特指帝王的印

  1. 就在研究古代中国经典作品的同时,丁氏开始对古印玺,甚至是更远古的甲骨文、青铜铭文、篆书产生兴趣。

    While delved into the ancient Chinese classical works , T'ing became intrigued by the ancient imperial seals and oracle-bone inscriptions , bronze epigraphs and seal calligraphy .

  2. 此外,他们的兴趣也比宋人更为广泛,并撰写了有关砖、瓦、印玺及某些特定地区的其他古物的专门论著。

    They also showed a more diversified interest , and produced special treatises on bricks , tiles , seals , and other antiques of a given locality .

  3. 本文对反映秦汉官僚制度体系的新出土材料&秦汉印玺中所见的官制问题进行研究和探索。

    This paper researches and explores the bureaucratic problems seen in the seals which are newly unearthed materials that reflect the bureaucratic system of Qin and Han Dynasties .