
  • 网络The Story of India;PBS&BBC The Story of India
  1. 首先,我想以我祖国印度的故事作为开端,谈一谈恒河。

    But first , I want to start with a story from my home country , India .

  2. 必和必拓(BHPBilliton)高管迈克•亨利(MikeHenry)去年对投资者表示:印度的增长故事正开始吸引注意。

    The Indian growth story is starting to gain traction , Mike Henry , a senior BHP Billiton executive , told investors last year .

  3. 这是发生在印度的感人故事,一只小山羊从它的牛妈妈那里喝奶。

    A goat drinks milk from a cow 's udders in Hyderabad , India .

  4. 以中国古老传说“西游记”为蓝本制作的神而又神的游戏。孙猴子、猪八戒、沙僧在观世音的庇护下护送师傅去印度取经的故事。

    Monk Sjuan-tszan sends to India together with Tsar of monkeys Put magic pig and the monk of sand , at support of the goddess of the rivers Lo .

  5. 在供应方面,印度的增长故事比较独特&它依赖服务业、而不是像中国那样依赖制造业作为本国的主要增长引擎。

    On the supply side , the growth story has been unique with India relying on its service sector as the key growth engine instead of the manufacturing sector like China .

  6. 中国四大名著之一《西游记》讲的就是唐朝僧人玄奘到古代印度取经的故事。

    The Journey to the West , one of the four Chinese literature classics , tells the story of Xuan Zang , a monk in the Tang Dynasty , traveling to ancient India for Buddhist scriptures .

  7. 他讲了些关于他在印度生活的迷人故事。

    He told some fascinating tales about his life in india .

  8. 老兵告诉这一家许多有关印度的新奇的故事。

    The soldier told the family many strange and wonderful stories about India .

  9. 《五卷书》是印度著名的寓言故事集,《一千零一夜》则是阿拉伯的民间故事集。

    Pancatantra is a famous collection of Indian fables , while The Arabian Nights is a collection of Arabian folk tales .

  10. 在100个章节里,《西游记》详细地叙述了一个足智多谋的机灵猴子陪伴唐僧玄奘前去印度取经的冒险故事。

    In its 100 chapters Xiyouji details the adventures of a cunningly resourceful monkey who accompanies the Buddhist priest Xuanzang on a journey to India .

  11. 吴哥窟还拥有世界上最长的连续不断的浅浮雕,这些浅浮雕沿着外墙一路延伸,向人们讲述着印度神话中的故事。

    Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world , which runs along the outer gallery walls , narrating stories from Hindu mythology .

  12. 但很值得去,听听费德克纳蓬的55位居民吵吵嚷嚷地谈论着最近去爵士俱乐部、去古巴和印度南部的故事。

    And they 're worth going to , to hear Fardknappen's55 residents buzz with tales of recent trips to jazz clubs , to Cuba and South India .

  13. 帮它赢得观众的是简单但却动人的故事:一个男人希望把两个女儿培养成世界级摔跤手,一个发生在印度的真实的故事。

    Instead , it won over audiences with a simple but powerful tale : the true story of a man 's quest to train two daughters to become world-class wrestlers - in India .

  14. 位于大雁塔地铁站的这幅壁画,描绘的是公元630年左右,玄奘从西安出发前往印度取西经的故事。

    The Dayan Pagoda station mural features the likeness of Xuanzang - the famed Buddhist monk who departed from Xi'an around the year 630 to retrieve sutras from India .