
yìn shuā bǎn
  • printing plate;galley
印刷版[yìn shuā bǎn]
  1. 计算机直接制版CTP将成为印刷版材的发展方向。

    The paper also points out that CTP plate will be the development trend of printing plate material .

  2. 这个体系在作为印刷版材研究中获得了很好的结果。

    Excellent results were obtained in making printing plate using this system .

  3. Office可变数据印刷版制作研究

    Research on Variable Data Plate-making Using Office

  4. 印刷版(PCB)在当今的产品中使用非常频繁。

    Printed circuit boards ( PCB ) are used pretty frequently in today 's products .

  5. SBS基柔性印刷版感光树脂的配方研究高档水基柔版油墨的研制和开发

    Formulation Engineering for SBS Flexographic Printing Plates Research and Development of Water-based Ink for Flexographic Printing

  6. 比如,弗吉尼亚州的亚历山大图书馆(TheAlexandriaLibrary)拥有3.5万种电子书,45万种印刷版图书。

    The Alexandria library , in Virginia , has 35,000 digital titles vs. 450,000 in print , for example .

  7. 在注册订阅这些杂志的印刷版之后,你就可免费在iPad上阅读这些杂志了。

    Once you 've signed up to get the printed magazine , the iPad version is free .

  8. CTP数码印刷版材的技术现状和发展

    The Present Situation and Development of CTP Plate Technology for Digital Printing

  9. 今年1月,财经日报《论坛报》(latribune)也放弃了印刷版,改为纯网络版。

    In January , La Tribune , the financial daily , also dropped its print edition to go Web-only .

  10. 随着网络泡沫即将达到爆破点,FT在1999-2000年决定整合印刷版和网络版的编辑业务。

    As the dotcom bubble inflated to bursting point , it was decided in 1999-2000 to integrate the print and online editorial operation .

  11. 在短期和中期,印刷版业务维持了收入来源,直到数字业务能够逐渐自我维持,《华盛顿邮报》总裁史蒂文•希尔斯(SteveHills)表示。

    In the short and medium term , print provides the money until digital can become self-sustaining over time , said Steve Hills , Washington Post president .

  12. 你可能会更喜欢读印刷版的书本,但是你要在你的移动设备如Kindle或Galaxy或iPad上下载并且阅读这本书。

    You might enjoy reading a physical print version of a book better , but get this book for your Kindle or Galaxy or iPad and read it on a mobile device .

  13. 印刷版报纸传统上受到物理分发成本的约束,相比之下,Facebook和其他社交媒体具有以有限成本、甚至无成本方式跨境传播信息的威力。

    Where printed newspapers were traditionally constrained by the cost of physical distribution , Facebook and other social media are , by contrast , equipped with the power to transmit information across borders at limited or no cost .

  14. 最后总结出了MTF精确度的影响因素,能够在合适的条件下给出一个最有效的印刷版材感光乳剂的调制传递函数,从而保证印刷图像传递的品质。

    Factors influencing the precision of MTF were summarized , and an accurate and effective MTF of photo emulsion in given condition can be provided to achieve high quality of image transfer .

  15. kindle电子书相对于传统印刷版通常折扣很高(大约50%);而且由于许多印刷版教科书每本售价100美元或更多,学生可以节省下来的开支相当可观。

    Kindle e-books generally sell at a significant discount ( about 50 per cent ) to traditional printed copies , and with many printed textbooks each costing $ 100 or more , the savings to students could be substantial .

  16. 我提到,我偶尔曾想通过想象中的遥控器,调低餐馆里大嗓门人士的音量,还曾想点击印刷版杂志上不存在的超链接,期待它会像在iPad上那样,把我带到不同的页面。

    I mentioned the occasional desire to turn down loud people in restaurants with an imaginary remote , or touch a nonexistent hyperlink in a printed magazine in the hope that it will , as on an iPad , take me to a different page .

  17. 社会学教师MichaelBambara说,他在政治课上用的电子书比印刷版的要好,电子书能够为不同阅读水平的学生提供学习资料,他很喜欢这点。

    Social studies teacher Michael Bambara says the e-book he uses in his government class is better than a printed textbook . He likes the way it has materials for students with different levels of reading skills .

  18. 《纽约时报》凡事亲力亲为的出版人兼董事长阿瑟·苏兹伯格(ArthurSulzberger)希望汤普生能够帮助拯救由于印刷版发行量下滑、广告收入降低而深陷泥潭的“灰色女士”。

    Arthur Sulzberger , the paper 's hands-on publisher and chairman , is hoping that Mr Thompson can help to rescue the Grey Lady , which has swooned because of falling print circulation and advertising revenues .

  19. 综合介绍了CTP数码印刷版材的技术现状,产品种类和国内外CTP印刷版材的主要生产厂商,并重点论述了紫激光CTP技术和CTcP传统印版直接制版的新发展。

    This paper introduces the current technical status and product varieties of CTP plate for digital printing , as well as the main local and overseas CTP plate manufacturers . The new development of Purple Laser CTP technology and CTcP conventional plate technology are specifically described .

  20. 国内印刷版材的现状及发展方向

    Present State and Future Trends of Graphic Arts Plate Materials in China

  21. 网络时代信息服务的变革与发展&兼论《复印报刊资料》印刷版与电子版的融合与互补

    Revolution and Development of Information Services in the Information Age

  22. 有些小说家绕开印刷版,直接以单纯有声书的形式发布小说。

    Some novelists are bypassing print and releasing novels as audio exclusives .

  23. 他说电子书还比印刷版图书要便宜。

    Digital books also cost less than printed textbooks , he says .

  24. 农业高校图书馆印刷版外刊利用率浅议

    Utilization Rate of Printed Foreign Periodicals in Agricultural University Libraries

  25. 首先,印刷版期刊并没有死。

    The editor-in-chief role was fairly well-defined in some respects .

  26. 印刷版艾滋病健康教育材料评估工具研究

    Study on Developing a Tool for Evaluation of Printed AIDS IEC Materials

  27. 现有大多数文献是对印刷版期刊或期刊数据库分别进行评价。

    The majority of existing literatures evaluate printed journals and journal databases respectively .

  28. 基于印刷版与电子版的学术期刊综合评价研究

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of Scholarly Journals Based on Printed Edition and Electronic Edition

  29. 第一次印刷版在未公开发行以前就预售一空。

    The first printing was swallowed up before publication .

  30. 方法:应用现代微型电子元件焊接在印刷版上。

    Method The modern Electronic Microelements is welded onto a printed circuit board .