
  • 网络detect;satellit sounding
  1. 风云一号(B)卫星探测到的太阳质子事件

    Solar proton events observed by " fengyun 1 " ( fy-1 ) meteorological satellite

  2. 基于UML的卫星探测仿真系统模型设计

    Model Design for Detection Simulation System of Satellite Based on UML

  3. 基于HLA的卫星探测能力仿真评估系统研究

    Research on Detection Simulation and Evaluation System of Satellite Based on HLA

  4. NOAA卫星探测数据对B-模式分析预报系统性误差的影响

    Th impact of NOAA Satellite Sounding Data on the systematic forecast error of B-Model

  5. GMS静止气象卫星探测所得到的红外云图资料,用计算机图象识别技术来反演云迹风。

    This paper describes the computer image recognition technique of deriving cloud motion winds ( CMW ) from the IR images of GMS .

  6. 由于微波具有穿透云的能力,AMSU卫星探测资料得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Microwave sensings from the AMSU aboard NOAA satellites , penetrating through a thick extent of cloud cover , find an increasingly wider range of applications .

  7. Iss-b卫星探测结果表明,电离层离子丰度呈现经度变化。

    The observation results of Iss-b satellite show that ionospheric ion abundances vary with longitudes .

  8. 在1982年的气球飞行中,球载塑料核径迹探测器CR-39在气球高度飞行了10小时.测得E3.6GeV/n的银河宇宙线相对丰度,结果与卫星探测数据基本一致。

    The plastic nuclear track detector CR-39 is exposed for about 10 hours in balloon observation in 1982.The relative abundance ( E3.6 GeV / n ) of the galactic cosmic rays is obtained and compared the result with the satellite data .

  9. 气象卫星探测影响评价

    Assessment of the impact of Meteorological Satellite Sounding Data on B-Model

  10. 应用米氏理论选择气象卫星探测沙尘暴的波段

    Application of Mie Theory in Dust Channel Selection of Meteorological Satellite

  11. 用卫星探测资料建立水稻种植面积测算模式研究

    A model for acreage estimation of early rice with the data from NOAA-AVHRR

  12. 基于卫星探测资料的珠江三角洲城市群对降水影响的观测研究

    Urbanization Effects on Precipitation over the Pearl River Delta Based on Satellite Data

  13. 热带气旋强度的卫星探测客观估计方法研究

    An objective technique for estimating tropical cyclone intensity from Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Observation

  14. 卫星探测到的信息表明,大气中破坏臭氧的气体在缓慢减少。

    Satellite information showed levels of ozone-destroying gases in the atmosphere are slowly decreasing .

  15. 导弹预警卫星探测原理及其攻防技术探讨

    Analysis of the Missile Early Warning Satellites Detecting Principle and Discussion of Attack-Defence Measure

  16. 该公司也贴出了新加坡卫星探测信号探测到的最后坐标。

    The airline also posted the last coordinates obtained by the Singapore Satellite Detection Signal .

  17. 气象卫星探测资料在数值天气预报中的应用

    Application of Satellite Data to Numerical Model

  18. 卫星探测资料对数值天气分析和预报影响的个例试验

    A case study of the impact of Satellite Sounding Data on Numerical Weather Analysis and forecast

  19. 海洋初级生产力的卫星探测

    Satellite measuring for ocean primary productivity

  20. 空间科学卫星探测项目的工程概念设计和立项论证是一项集多学科、多技术领域为一体的综合性工作。

    The concept design and assessment of space science mission is a complex task involving multi-disciplinary and multi-technical fields .

  21. 据美国电视网前夜报道,美国侦察卫星探测到可疑的车辆来往,可能表明朝鲜准备进行另一次核试验。

    US television networks reported overnight that US spy satellites had detected suspicious vehicle movements that could signal preparations for another test .

  22. 建立行星地形激光测高的可视化仿真系统对于卫星探测中行星地形信息的处理具有重要的意义。

    The development of a visual simulation system for planet terrain laser ranging is very important to the processing of planet terrain information .

  23. 云滴粒子有效半径和云层光学厚度是两个比较重要的微物理特征参量,利用卫星探测资料结合辐射传输模式可以实现对这两个参数的反演。

    Cloud particle effective radius and optical thickness are important micro-physical parameters ; they can be retrieved by using satellite data together with radiation transfer model .

  24. 根据米氏理论对沙尘气溶胶的散射和消光等特性进行了计算,并根据其消光作用对气象卫星探测波段的选择作了分析。

    By applying Mie theory to calculate scattering and extinction characteristics of dust particles , we analyze dust channel selection of meteorological satellite according as the ext.

  25. 这边,诸位可以看到像是一条河似的东西,不过卫星探测的结果表明它已被污染,河水不适于饮用。

    Over here you will notice what seems to be a river , but the satellite findings indicate it is polluted and the water is unfit to drink .

  26. 气象卫星探测资料在业务系统中的应用已经被公认为是提高数值天气预报水平的主要原因之一。

    Application of the weather satellite data in the operation system is acknowledged as one of the most important aspects of improving the accuracy of numerical weather forecast .

  27. 二氧化钒薄膜还应用在抗激光辐射上,对现代战争中的卫星探测窗口的防护意义重大,国外已经有相关报道。

    VO2 thin film is also used in anti-laser protection technology to safeguard the satellites from laser attack , and the significance is obvious and great to modern warfare .

  28. 科学家称,未来10年里,新的卫星探测技术以及功能更加强大的望远镜会帮助人类解释遥远恒星周围的类地卫星的真相所在。

    Over the next decade , new methods of planet detection and more powerful telescopes could soon be uncovering true Earth-like worlds orbiting distant stars , the scientists said .

  29. 在这样的背景下,加上各种高新技术和卫星探测的进步,21世纪将迎来太阳活动研究的新时代。

    Under this condition , with the progressing of high technologies and satellite surveying , a new era of solar activity study will be seen in the twenty-first century .

  30. 利用弱磁测量仪器可以实现航空磁测、磁卫星探测,以及油气藏、地热、煤田、古地磁和考古等微弱磁性参量的测量。

    Magnetometers for weak survey can be used for aeromagnetic survey , magnetic satellite survey and magnetic parameter measurement of oil gas deposits , geothermics , coalfields , paleomagnetic and archaeological study .