
wèi shù qū
  • garrison command;garrison
卫戍区 [wèi shù qū]
  • [garrison command] 担负首都卫戍勤务的军队组织

  1. 鼓手在乐队中承担着保持(:控制)奏的责任。卫戍区承担着保护首都安全的重要责任。

    The drummer is responsible for keeping time for the band . The garrison command should shoulder the responsibility to protect the safety of the capital city .

  2. 卫戍区承担着保护首都安全的重要责任。

    The garrison command should shoulder the responsibility to protect the safety of the capital city .

  3. 威德林,前柏林卫戍区司令。

    Weidling , former commander of the Berlin defence area .