
  • 网络brine well
  1. 水井井下电视在卤井维修中的应用试验

    Application of TV Under Water Well for Brine Well Repair

  2. 卤井安全期是岩盐矿山共同关注的课题。

    Production period of brine well is an item which all salt mines attention .

  3. 浅谈K系列卤井成功改造的原因

    Brief Discussion on Reasons for Successful Modification of K Series Brine Wells

  4. 提高定向对接采卤井完全中靶的措施

    Measures to Improve the Perfect Target Ratio in Directionally Butted-Wells for Brine Extraction

  5. 浅析卤井安全生产期

    Analysis to the Safe Production Time of Halogen Well

  6. 威西矿区延长卤井安全期的技术研究

    Technological Study on Prolonging Safety Period of Brine Wells in Weixi Salt Concession

  7. 卤井中心管漏点简易测试法

    The Simple Method of Measuring Leak in Center Pipe

  8. 卤井建槽期工艺探讨

    Discussion on the Technology of Period for Leaching Sump

  9. 矿山大面积连通采区卤井带压修治工艺探讨

    Approach on Well Repair Process with Pressure in Large Area Communicated Extraction Region of Mine

  10. 浅析罗城盐矿卤井安全生产期的影响因素

    Brief Analysis on Factors Influencing Safety Production Period in Salt Well of Luocheng Salt Mine

  11. 清代中叶以前,温泉卤井是一种自然状态的原始井。

    Before the Middle Qing , Wunquan brine wells were primitive ones with natural state .

  12. 油套管长段变形事故卤井的修治

    Repair of Brine Wells from Accident of Deformation of Long Section of Casing and Tubing

  13. 卤井生产过程中,中心管泄漏是常见事故之一。

    During brine mining , it 's one of common problem that center pipe leaks .

  14. 采卤井固井时发生水泥浆漏失是一新问题。

    The leak of cement pastes occurred during the cementing of subsalt well is a new problem .

  15. 浅谈饱和卤水在定向对接采卤井钻井中的作用

    Preliminary Discussion on the Role of Saturated Brine in the Drilling of Directional - Butted Brine Extraction Well

  16. 在卤井生产中后期,井下容易出现结垢、结晶、套管腐蚀、穿漏和变形等情况,影响了卤水生产和岩盐资源开采。

    It may appear scaling , crystal , bushing corrosion , leaking and distortion to effect brine mining .

  17. 分水降压提高卤井产能减少采卤泵故障生产井-注入井井数比

    Diverting Water and Reducing Pressure to Improve the Production Capacity of Brine Well and Reduce the Troubles of Brine Pump producer-to-injector ratio

  18. 介绍套管补贴工艺技术特点,分析了岩盐矿山卤井套管事故情况,提出在岩盐矿山引进套管补贴技术处理卤井套管事故具有良好的前景。

    This paper introduces the technological characteristics of casing mending and patching technology and analyzes casing accidents in brine well of rock salt mines .

  19. 经过处理后的防腐油管,能减小摩阻损失,增大排量;防止结垢,保持高排量的持续生产;减少卤井事故的发生,提高企业的经济效益。

    Treated oil pipes can decrease the friction damage , increase charge volume and anti scaling for normal operation and enhancing the economic effects in the mine .

  20. 文章针对定向对接连通井存在的问题,提出了提高定向对接连通采卤井完全中靶和施工质量的措施。

    Based on the problems in directionally butted-wells , the author proposes measures to perfect target and improve the construction quality in the directionally butted and communicated brine wells .

  21. 岩盐水溶开采溶腔顶板稳定性及其控制的研究对保证卤井的安全生产和生产效益,对岩盐溶腔储备库的建造和使用都具有十分重要的意义。

    Analysis and control on roof stability of rock-salt cavity are very important to ensure safety and benefit in production , build and use of repertory of rock salt cavity .

  22. 该矿区和湖北省地质灾害防治中心合作,利用水井井下电视技术对故障卤井进行检测,为卤井的低成本维修进行了有益的探索。

    The Salt Mine cooperates with the Hubei Geology Disaster Protection Cent er to test the failure of brine well wi th the TV under water well and carry out a useful operation for brine well repair .

  23. 根据罗城盐矿多年钻井水溶采盐经验,分析了卤井安全生产期的影响因素,提出了延长卤井安全生产期的一些建议。

    Based on years of experience in salt extraction with solution mining in Luocheng Salt Mine , the author analyzes factors influencing the safety production period and puts forward some suggestions on prolonging the safety production period .

  24. 采卤对接井钻井技术的研究

    Study on Directional Drilling Technique for subsurface Intersected Brine Development Wells

  25. 采卤对接井作为一种盐岩开采新工艺,不断为全国各大盐矿区所采用。

    The connected brine well is a new process for rock salt mining , which used abroad in salt mines .

  26. 随着岩盐开采技术的不断发展,昆明盐矿研究决定,将该矿油垫法采卤生产工艺井改为连通法生产工艺井。

    Refer the development of rock salt mining , the Kunming Salt Mine determines changing process of the oil underlay to the connected well .

  27. 这一技术的成功,给盐卤企业采卤老井、旧井的开发利用开辟了一片崭新的天地。

    This success has opened up a brand-new aspect for the development and utilization of the old and used-up wells owned by the brine producers .

  28. 通过生产实践和理论分析,从而对在单井对流采卤工艺中,如何防止中心管下部的变形断裂,延长卤井安全生产周期,探索出了一条新的途径。

    It explores a new approach to prevent the center pipe rupturing in the solution mining .