
  1. 雅各布·卢是奥巴马总统的白宫预算办公室主任。

    Jacob Lew is President Barack Obama 's top budget official .

  2. 从某个方面来说,卢是正确的。

    In one respect , Mr Lew is right .

  3. 所以如果卢是从正面被袭击的。

    So * If our guy , lou , was attacked from the front .

  4. 本文作者戴夫•麦克卢尔是种子投资集团500初创企业(500Startups)的创始合伙人。

    Dave McClure is founding partner of seed investment group 500 startups .

  5. 班尼卢真是做了最昂贵的研究。

    Benirall 's really done one hell of an exhaustive study .

  6. 这一次杰米看卢来是永远离开了。

    It looks Lide Jamie has left for good this time .

  7. 卢无疑是总统参谋团队的领导。

    He 's currently the president 's chief of staff .

  8. 杰克却不这样认为,他怀疑卢柏是小镇科学试验的又一受害者。

    Jack doubts that ; instead , he suspects that Lupo is a victim of one of Eureka 's science projects .

  9. 只读左边一页.麦克卢汉是这样做的.减少信息量,把空间留给我们叫做面条的东西。

    Read only left-hand pages . Marshall McLuhan did this . By decreasing the amount of information , we leave room for what he called our noodle .

  10. 葵花很好的克服了伤病,卢卡斯也是,而只有卢神才是真正的经常出场的一线队的常客。

    Alberto has come out of it very well , as has Lucas , who is the only player who can really say he is a Liverpool first-team regular .

  11. 在调查中,麦克卢尔一直是主要的嫌疑犯。

    McClure remains the chief suspect in the investigation .

  12. 科卢韦齐曾是刚果的一座繁荣城镇。

    Once Kolwezi was a thriving town in Congo .

  13. 卢:我是在为咱们球队打气。

    Lew : I 'm supporting our team .

  14. 乔治卢塔甘达是个坏人。

    George rutaganda is a bad man .

  15. 迈卢特盆地是苏丹东南部中&新生代的一个大型陆内裂谷盆地。

    Melut Basin is a large-scale basin of the Cretaceous-Paleogene sediment in the southeastern Sudan .

  16. 卢嫩堡是北美洲设计精心的英国殖民据点的典范。

    Lunenburg is the best surviving example of a planned British colonial settlement in North america .

  17. 我过去总是想,你和卢宾太太是郎才女貌的一对。

    Why , I had always supposed that Mrs. Lupin and you would make a match of it .

  18. 在现代传播学发展的历史上,麦克卢汉无疑是最富特色的理论家。

    In the history of the development of modern communication media , Marshall MCLuhan is surely the most colorful theoretician .

  19. 随着预算赤字争夺在国会升温,接下来的两个月对卢来说将是一场考验。

    The coming two months will be a test for Lew , as the battle over the budget deficit heats up in Congress .

  20. 当我站起来告别的时候,弗蕾维亚公主说:“鲁道夫,你会小心的,是吗?你有敌人,你肯定知道这个,而且你的生命对于卢里塔尼亚是很重要的。”

    When I got up to leave , Princess Flavia said , 'Rudolf , you will be careful , won 't you ? You have enemies , as I 'm sure you know , and your life is very important to ... Ruritania . '

  21. 穆斯克还表示怀念通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)现已退休的高管鲍勃?卢兹,正是他经常贬低油电混动车,叫它们“蠢东西”&后来马斯克也开始信奉这种观点。

    Musk is reminiscent of General Motors ( GM ) executive Bob Lutz , now retired , who regularly dismissed gas-electric hybrids as " dumb " & until he became an apostle .

  22. 但之前人们之所以将其归为卢尔多夫人种是因为它看起来也并不像是能人的下颌。

    But its previous attribution was made because it does not look much like Homo habilis either .

  23. 当问及骑士对战勇士时,泰伦-卢说,这是一场长期的较量。

    I think it 's a rivalry , said Tyronn Lue , when asked about Cavs VS. Warriors

  24. 克里斯蒂•卢•斯图尔特又是一个劫后重生的网站,一次暴跌之后难以置信的反弹。

    Just another dotcom riding the wave of revival . A retro-rally that was once thought inconceivable after the bust .

  25. 在滑铁卢的沃特卢大学建筑学院是经认可的本科课程和专业的研究生课程。

    The School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo is accredited for both its undergraduate program and its professional graduate program .

  26. 杰克.卢说这些努力是为了解决“针对美国的一项直接威胁”。这位官员将在下周访问阿富汗。

    Lew says these efforts " address a direct threat to the United States . " The deputy secretary is to visit Afghanistan next week .

  27. 拉斯柯尔尼科夫憎恨卢津,因为他心中明白,妹妹要和卢津结婚是为了供给他这个穷哥哥上学。

    Raskolnikov resented Luzhin because he knew his sister was marrying to provide money for her destitute brother .