
  • 网络caligula
  1. 罗马皇帝卡里古拉(caligula)对于身边不太亲近的人恨自己,说的全是自己的理,他最终满门被杀。

    The Roman Emperor Caligula , who gave more reasons than most for being hated by those near and not so dear , was eventually murdered along with his family .

  2. 月亮对于卡里古拉来说是一种幸福的象征,然而却是可望而不可及的。

    The moon symbolized the happiness to Caligula , but he never get over it in his mind .

  3. 拉吉在放雷鬼音乐,他妹妹还把鞋给脱了,简直就是卡里古拉大帝的晚年时期。

    At one point , Raj put on reggae music and his sister took off her shoes . It was like the last days of Caligula .

  4. 埃拉加巴卢斯是一位罗马皇帝,比历史上的卡里古拉更加暴虐。罗马人民对他十分忌惮,因为他常常搞恶作剧。

    Elagabalus was a Roman emperor known for being more Caligula-esque than Caligula himself , and he was feared by the Roman people for his penchant for playing pranks .