
  • 网络Cardstock;Card Stock;card
  1. 在一张卡片纸上列出一个简短的自我成就表,每次自责情绪来袭时,就拿出来看一看。

    Keep a short list of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you .

  2. 为了增添余兴,你还可以在卡片纸上印出配方,这样你的爱人就可以在饭店和酒吧随心所欲地点这款饮料。

    For added fun and hijinks , print up the recipe on cardstock so that your loved one can order the libation with ease at restaurants and bars .

  3. 例如,他们用纸而不是卡片。纸易折的容易掌握。

    For example , they had to use paper not card . Paper is more pliable and easier to handle .

  4. 这也不怪你,通常岁末年终赴宴以及节庆欢聚时才穿的天鹅绒夹克已经琳琅满目地摆满了货架,甚至比亮箔、卡片和包装纸年复一年的上架时间还要早。

    Velvet jackets , the stuff of end-of-year-dinners and festive get-togethers , festoon the rails even before the inevitable racks of tinsel , cards and wrapping paper have appeared in stores .

  5. 你能在一元商店,或者,如果想挥霍的话,去卖卡片这样的纸店,甚至书店购买。

    You can get one at the dollar store , or if you want to splurge , pick one up at a paper store that sells cards , etc or even at a bookstore .