
  • 网络Caravaggio;Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
  1. 伦敦MishcondeReya律师事务所艺术法部门的主管凯伦·萨尼格(KarenSanig)说,此案的重点并不在于那幅油画究竟是不是卡拉瓦乔的真迹。

    Karen Sanig , the head of art law at Mishcon de Reya in London , said the crux of the case wasn 't whether the painting was a Caravaggio or not .

  2. 不同于已知由卡拉瓦乔在罗马的巴贝里尼宫(PalazzoBarberini)绘制的同一场面,新发现作品的构图有些脱节,形象之间并不协调。

    Unlike a known versionof the same scene by Caravaggio in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome , the compositionof the newly discovered canvas is disjointed and casts its awkward actors outof sync .

  3. 在巴黎,萨尔蒂画廊(Sartigallery)刚刚展出了传统卡拉瓦乔风格(Caravaggesque)的22幅画作,它们是过去10年时间里持之以恒收藏的结果。

    In Paris , Sarti gallery has just unveiled a show of 22 paintings in the Caravaggesque tradition , which it has been patiently accumulating over the past 10 years .

  4. 鲁本斯和卡拉瓦乔是两位最伟大的巴洛克艺术风格画家。

    Rubens and Caravaggio were two of the greatest Baroque painters .

  5. 教皇把卡拉瓦乔烧死在火刑柱上的吧?

    Or was it the pope who had Caravaggio burned at the stake ?

  6. 卡拉瓦乔以其对明暗对照法的巧妙运用而出名。

    Caravaggio is famous for his use of chiaroscuro .

  7. 不过,从卡拉瓦乔身上学到的东西对舍克行事方式的影响很明显。

    Nevertheless , the lesson from Caravaggio was clear in Ms. Schake 's approach .

  8. 画家卡拉瓦乔就是在那儿好象应该是

    That 's where the artist Caravaggio

  9. 不仅如此,这里还有大量文艺复兴时期的大教堂、有珍藏像卡拉瓦乔这样大师级作品的博物馆,还有古遗址博物馆。此外,它还是埃特纳火山的门户。

    Chock full of Renaissance cathedrals , museums featuring works by masters like Caravaggio and ancient ruins , Messina is also the gateway to Mount Etna .

  10. 为公众人物定位可不是卡拉瓦乔这位巴洛克大师的工作,去塔吉特百货购物也不是艺术行为。

    Positioning a public figure is not exactly the work of a Baroque master , and a trip to Target does not a work of-art make .

  11. 卡拉瓦乔戏剧性的明暗和夸张的姿态与拉斐尔的《雅典学院》的崇高静穆之间做比较也同样能清晰的体现这种转变。

    Different from the sublimity and quietness in the painting The School of Athens , Caravaggio dramatic shading and exaggerative style can also embody this change .

  12. 意大利展区总代表昆迭里介绍说,意大利文艺复兴时期的著名画家米开朗基罗·达·卡拉瓦乔的两幅杰作《水果篮》和《捧果篮的男孩》将首次亮相中国。

    Two masterpieces by the Renaissance painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio will make their debuts in China during the2010 World Expo on the400th anniversary of the artist 's death .

  13. 他的绘画风格受到巴洛克元素的影响,其现实主义的特征与卡拉瓦乔一脉相承,但就人性精神层面的表现上,伦勃朗比卡拉瓦乔走得更深。

    His style is influenced by Baroque elements and his realistic features are similar to those of Caravaggio , but his presentation of human nature is deeper than Caravaggio 's.

  14. 卡拉瓦乔,找到了光和光源的来源方向并具体的画出了投影的位置,使画面的效果符合了人的视觉习惯。

    Caravaggio , Joe , found the light and the source of the light source direction and specific draw the projection place , make the picture with the visual effect of habit .

  15. 多种因素(如:当时的社会背景、风格主义、古典主义、卡拉瓦乔现实主义、巴洛克艺术以及宗教方面的因素)都对拉图尔的艺术产生了一定的影响。

    For example , a lot of factors had affected La Tour , such as : social background of his age , Mannerism , Classicism , Caravaggio , Baroque and religious factor .

  16. 在艺术馆,纽约大都会博物馆工人拆箱他说:“麦当娜的念珠,”关于贷款由卡拉瓦乔画从奥地利政府,1950年。

    Workmen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York , uncrating " The Madonna of the Rosaries ," a painting by Caravaggio on loan from the Austrian government , 1950 .

  17. 然后通过对科坦与卡拉瓦乔作品的分析,论述静物画的第二次飞跃&从再现之物到主体展示。

    Then through the analysis of Cotan and Caravaggio work , The article elaborates the second leap of still life drawing & from thing of being reproduced to the main body demonstration .

  18. 由于卡拉瓦乔的苦心经营,力图使画作生动有趣,所以第二幅画也不失为一幅佳作。但我们仍能感觉到,它不如第一幅作品那么忠诚而真挚

    The outcome is still quite a good picture , for Caravaggio had tried hard to make it look lively and interesting , but we feel that it is less honest and sincere than the first had been .

  19. 不用最原始的放大镜,也不用插入一片最先进的反射记录仪,人们可以立即发现盖蒂博物馆的伪作与图卢兹发现的归于卡拉瓦乔的这幅作品的共同问题:他们并不精美。

    Without lifting the crudest magnifyingglass and without plugging in a single piece of cutting-edge reflectographyequipment , one can immediately detect the shared problem with both the Gettyforgery and the attribution to Caravaggio of the recovered canvas fromToulouse : they 're not beautiful .