
  1. 你不洗卡布基诺机吗?

    Terry : You don 't clean the cappuccino machine ?

  2. 意式咖啡口味的蛋糕中夹着一层层的马斯卡彭芝士和卡布基诺奶油。

    Cakes flavoured with espresso filled with layers mascarpone cheese and cappuccino cream .

  3. 用卡布基诺咖啡机毁我容了

    the cappuccino machine to melt my face off .

  4. 给我弄杯卡布基诺行么?

    Can I just get a cappuccino ?

  5. 一些人或许会认为,高管水疗按摩的增长仅仅是商业世界卡布基诺咖啡上的泡沫。

    Some might view the growth of executive pampering as mere froth on the cappuccino of the business world .

  6. 该地区正在兴起一个新的消费者阶层,从贷款到卡布基诺咖啡等许多事物都是他们渴望拥有的东西,在这种需求的推动下了,该地区一些经济体的增长速度在世界上名列前茅。

    It has some of the fastest growing economies in the world , boosted by a nascent consumer class increasingly thirsty for everything from credit to cappuccinos .

  7. 卡布基诺博士和阿纳森博士猜测,这可能是因为本土天敌的“预先适应性”功能对外来物种的防御机能时有时无。

    Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason suspected this might be because native predators are sometimes " pre-adapted " to the aliens'defences , but in other cases they are not .

  8. 由于我们从未有本土奶饮制作文化(不算可可饮品),而喝咖啡的习惯却在数不胜数的的咖啡连锁店荒谬兜售的几品脱的卡布基诺和高热量姜饼味道顶部加上奶油中养成了。

    Having never had a culture of domestic milky drinks-making ( cocoa doesn 't count ), our coffee habits have been shaped by the pints of cappuccino and calorie-dense gingerbread-flavoured cream-topped nonsense peddled by the big coffee chains .