
  • Cayenne;Cayenne Turbo
  1. 2015年初,金花了5个月时间探索这个地区最偏远的角落,它坐落在亚马逊雨林的边缘,那里25万人口中的一半都住在首都卡宴。

    Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area , which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest , with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital , Cayenne .

  2. 甚至连保时捷(porsche)也在考虑生产小型卡宴(cayenne)以及其它较小车型。

    Even Porsche is considering developing a " baby " Cayenne , and other smaller models .

  3. 在我最小孩子的学校,有人在家长会期间刮花了我的保时捷卡宴(PorscheCayenne)。

    At my youngest child 's school , someone keyed my Porsche Cayenne during the parent-teacher meeting .

  4. 保时捷的卡宴(Cayenne)SUV和四门版帕纳梅拉(Panamera)的销量已经翻了一番。

    The sports car maker has doubled its sales with the Cayenne sport utility and Panamera four-door .

  5. 宾利SUV是能赚钱的,因为它的母公司大众公司(Volkswagen)已经为保时捷卡宴和大众途锐(Touareg)的车体架构和工程技术投了钱。

    A Bentley SUV could add to the bottom line since its corporate parent , Volkswagen , already has invested in the architecture and engineering used for the Porsche Cayenne and VW Touareg .

  6. 这家位于德国斯图加特的公司之所以打造这款车,是为了像10年前推出卡宴一样帮助增加利润,从当晚的发布情况来看看,该车完美地填补了小型SUV的空白。

    The Stuttgart , Germany-based automaker built this car to help its bottom line in the same way the Cayenne did 10 years ago & and from the looks of things last night , it fills that small-SUV gap nicely .

  7. 保时捷希望这款入门级SUV能像豪华轿车Panamera和豪华SUV卡宴一样,补全其产品组合,甚至超越保时捷在开发911、卡宴和Boxster过程中形成的运动汽车核心技术。

    Porsche is hoping the entry-level SUV will fill out its portfolio the same way the Panamera ( luxury sedan ) and the Cayenne ( luxury SUV ) evened it out past the sports car core it developed with the 911 , Cayman and Boxster .

  8. 事实上,这款车非常“保时捷”,采用与保时捷911相同的侧角,与卡宴(Cayenne)相同的车高——车身前部也非常类似于这位老大哥,此外甚至进气格栅和侧边轮廓都略微模仿了Boxster的风格。

    Indeed , it 's very Porsche , sharing the side angles of a 911 and the height of a Cayenne - its front end is also very similar to its bigger brother - while repping even the Boxster a bit in the styling of its air intakes and side profile .

  9. 卡宴-也称为辣椒,它发挥了非常大的作用,血液循环。

    Cayenne-Also known as capsicum , it plays a very large role in blood circulation .

  10. 他们将展示卡宴特殊的赛道上与游客在乘客座位。

    They will demonstrate the Cayenne on a special track with visitors in the passenger seat .

  11. 在卡宴的骨架上植入宾利的血肉要比从头开发省钱多了。

    Grafting Bentley flesh onto a skeleton borrowed from Cayenne is far less costly than developing from scratch .

  12. 它的原生动力涡轮法相比较,一辆保时捷卡宴以小量的价格。

    It has the raw power to out-perform a Porsche Cayenne Turbo at a fraction of the price .