
  • 网络Kareem;kalim
  1. 卡利姆高中一毕业就参了军,后来获得紫心勋章(PurpleHeart)和青铜星章(BronzeStar),深受战友们的钦佩。

    Kareem joined the military as soon as he finished high school . He would go on to win the Purple Heart and Bronze Star , along with the admiration of his fellow soldiers .

  2. 埃尔萨巴·汗(ElshebaKhan)的儿子卡利姆(Kareem)在伊拉克牺牲,为国家献出自己的生命。

    Elsheba Khan 's son , Kareem , made the ultimate sacrifice for his country when he lost his life in Iraq .

  3. 卡利姆•萨迪加布(KarimSadjadpour)是卡内基国际和平基金会的伊朗问题专家,他说,本届政府柔软的外交政策巩固了跨大西洋联盟,从而为对伊朗实施更严厉的制裁创造了条件。

    The administration 's softer touch , says Karim Sadjadpour , an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , has solidified the transatlantic alliance , allowing for tougher sanctions .

  4. 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

    Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire .

  5. 实际上,暗夜精灵比别的谁都更加对卡利姆多的新居民感兴趣。

    Actually , the night elves are more curious about the new races that have settled on Kalimdor than anything else .

  6. 塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵们由于不知道外面卡利姆多大陆发生的事情,他们并没有从引退中走出并加以干预此事。

    Yet Cenarius and the night elves did not emerge from their seclusion , for they knew nothing of any events that occurred outside Kalimdor .

  7. 正如大家所意识到的一样,大灾变将永久性彻底地改变卡利姆多大陆和东部王国的地貌。

    As you 're all aware by now , the shattering of Azeroth will drastically and permanently alter the continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms .

  8. 目前的解决方案是先去拿东部王国、卡利姆多、外域的,最后再去拿诺森德的。

    The current way to work around this is to get the candy buckets from Eastern Kingdoms , Kalimdor , and Outland before doing any in Northrend .

  9. 说着,罗尼克有力的翅膀托起他离开了泰达希尔的海滩,并带他穿过大海的黑暗,直向卡利姆多的方向飞去。

    And with that the Roenic 's mighty wings lifted him off of the shores of Teldrassil and took him beyond the darkness of the ocean , towards Kalimdor .

  10. 在被暗夜精灵哨兵驯服并训练成坐骑之前,卡利姆多凶猛的夜刃曾被认为是整个大陆上最恶毒的住民。

    Before they were domesticated by the Sentinel Army and trained as mounts , Kalimdor 's savage nightsaber panthers were considered to be among the continent 's most vicious inhabitants .

  11. 虽然他们通常住在灰谷森林中,但是当卡利姆多大陆遭到入侵时,丛林守护者总是会响应战斗的召唤。

    Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Groves of Ashenvale forest , the Keepers always heed the call to arms when the greater lands of Kalimdor are threatened .

  12. 例如,在这个最新版本的手册中,除了卡利姆多、斯拉莫以及一小部分诺森德之外,世界上其他的地方根本没有被提及。

    For instance , nothing of the rest of the world has been really touched on , only Kalimdor , Theramore , and a bit about Northrend in this most recent book .

  13. 在诺森德的一些糖果桶,如果拿了就会让一些东部王国、卡利姆多、外域里做不给糖果就捣乱成就需要的糖果桶不能再拿了。

    Certain candy buckets in Northrend , once looted , are preventing characters from looting some of the Candy Buckets required for the Trick or Treats of Eastern Kingdoms , Kalimdor and Outlands .