
  • 网络cardin;Karting;Kincardine
  1. 这是我在卡丁车赛道上成功的关键之一。

    This was one of the keys to my success on the karting circuits .

  2. 我只能说谢谢,同样感谢那些卡丁时代的人们。

    I can only say thanks and also thanks to all the people back in karting .

  3. 今年春天,她想造一辆卡丁车参加“Go-Go”卡丁车大赛。

    This spring she thought of building a go-kart to enter for the Go-Go Race .

  4. 看到她展示的新卡丁车,爸爸骄傲地点了点头。

    When she showed Dad her new go-kart , he nodded with pride .

  5. 她给自己的卡丁车取名“蓝色闪电”。

    She named her go-kart " Blue Lightning " .

  6. 经过三个周末的艰苦工作,莎莉把她的设计变成了一辆真正的卡丁车,并把它涂成了淡蓝色。

    Over three weekends of hard work , Sally turned her design into a real , working go-kart and painted it light blue .

  7. 基于PIC单片机的新型电动卡丁车控制器研究

    The Development of a PIC Based Controller for Electrical Karts

  8. SKF进口轴承赛车组提供了卡丁车轮应用而设计的定制卡丁车技术解决方案,以及发动机轴承的团队。

    SKF Racing Unit has provided the team with bespoke technical kart solutions , designed for kart wheel applications , and engine bearings .

  9. 即使去开卡丁车,你也必须要有团队。

    Even in go-karts , you have to have a package .

  10. 而且,你连卡丁车都开不好!

    Besides , you can 't even drive a damn go-kart !

  11. 但是我儿子三天前参加了一个卡丁车比赛。

    But my son did take a race three daysago .

  12. 这将彻底改变的外观卡丁车。

    It will totally change the appearance of your kart .

  13. 上海国际赛车场卡丁车赛道施工技术

    Construction Technique for Kart Race Track in Shanghai International Circuit

  14. 王平:我最喜欢看卡丁车大赛。

    Wang Ping : I like to watch the go-kart race most .

  15. 我几乎总是觉得自己像是个赛车,却开在卡丁车的跑道上。

    I almost always feel like a race car on a go-cart track .

  16. 大卫:我受够了卡丁车了!

    David : I am FEK up with cart .

  17. 为什么我感觉卡丁车其他球员比我快?

    Why do I feel like karts of other players are faster than mine ?

  18. 他带来了他的卡丁车,破坏者。

    He 's brought out his cart demolition .

  19. 如果你能出色地驾驶卡丁车,你一定能在其他的赛车上做得很好。

    If you do well in go-karts you should be pretty good in anything else .

  20. 事实上我只是在巴西跑了卡丁车来保持状态。

    In actual honestly I was racing go karts in Brazil just to keep fit .

  21. 可是你开卡丁车的时候。

    But when you ride the go-carts .

  22. 我记得在我赢得英国卡丁车锦标赛初级组冠军的时候,他来对我说话。

    I remember him coming to speak to me after I won the Cadet Championship .

  23. 为什么开卡丁车有帮助呢?

    Why do the go-carts heip ?

  24. 卡丁说,实际上没有得到很多主动吸烟囊性纤维化患者的资料。

    There really haven 't been that many patients with cystic fibrosis who have had active smoking .

  25. 卡丁车用发动机的研制

    Engine Development for Kart

  26. 此外,发动机轴承给予更多的权力,刚度高性能卡丁车和可靠性。

    In addition , the engine bearings give more power , stiffness and reliability in the high-performance kart .

  27. 我不认为在巴西赢得的2次卡丁车比赛是巧合。

    I don 't think it is coincidence that I won the two kart races back in Brazil .

  28. 这么做的意义在于阻止意外或中国的挑衅行为,卡丁表示。

    What it is doing is preventing an incident or a provocative action from China , said Mr Cardin .

  29. 卡丁摩托车配件经营部是引领中国风镜开发及销售的公司之一。

    Zhuhai City , Hui-Wen Department of industrial equipment operation is a research and development , production and services enterprises .

  30. 在公路上,我用左脚刹车,而且当然在卡丁车里我也这么做。

    On the road , I brake with my left foot , and of course I did it in karting .