
  • 网络astrologer;stargazer
  1. 并非占星师才可以应用这些信息。

    You don 't have to be an astrologer to use this information .

  2. 我的父母说,那位占星师预言,只要清除一个障碍,我就会拥有光明的婚姻前景。

    My parents explained that the astrologer had predicted a bright marital future for me once an obstacle was removed .

  3. 我们占星师长期以来就知道与它有关的一切。

    We astrologers have known all about this for ages .

  4. 如今占星师共同观察它们来预言你的未来。

    Astrologers today look to both planets to see what is coming up for you .

  5. 说句公道话,占星师也不是自身承认的最佳朋友。

    And in fairness , astrologers are not always their own best friends , either .

  6. 占星师纯粹地觉得为了自身的存在值得接受挑战。

    The astrologers , they feel , deserve it , purely by their very existence .

  7. 当然,两家人还得见面,还得咨询占星师。

    The families would still have to meet , and horoscopes would have to be consulted .

  8. 我想占星学远不是像很多占星师所认为的那样宿命论和缺乏弹性。

    I think Astrology is far more flexible and less fatalistic than what some astrologers tend to assume .

  9. 这些年,他们每年去印度度假都会带回关于我们几个孩子的最新预言,那些预言是用古吉拉特语或印度语写的,他们找的占星师据说都为著名客户服务过。

    Over the years , they would return from their annual trips to India with updated readings in Gujarati or Hindi about my siblings and me from astrologers boasting famous clientele .

  10. 并且针对他们所有人的预言能力来说,他们从未预见又会那么一天,自己为新一代的占星师制造一个完全不同类型的新问题。

    And , for all their powers of prophecy , they never foresaw that one day , this would produce a whole new set of problems for a whole new generation of astrologers .

  11. 之前我和未婚夫关系不好时,她就曾想告诉我,也许分手会更好,但是她又一直希望这是占星师弄错了。

    She had wanted to tell me earlier , when things weren 't going well , that it may be better to break it off , but that was one of the many times she had hoped the astrologers were wrong .

  12. 如果没有什么不详的预兆,例如父母不和或财产损失,发生在那个时期,父母会给占星师一个信号来确认女孩和自己的儿子是天作之合。

    If no inauspicious omens , e. g. quarrels between the parents or a loss of property , took place within that time , the parents would give the information to a astrological expert to confirm that the young woman and their son would make a good match .

  13. 对此,老爸的解释是:“艾米(Ami),每次的预言不同,不是说你的命运在变。命运是不变的。只是因为有些占星师比其他占星师更擅长预测你的命运。”

    My father would say : " Ami , it 's not that your fate changes with each reading . That is fixed . It 's just that some astrologers are better at telling your story than others . "