
zhān xīnɡ xué
  • astrology
  1. 天文学被认为是一门科学而占星学被认为是愚昧。

    Astronomy is considered a science and astrology as foolishness .

  2. 他把历史和占星学都搞混了。

    He had his history and astrology all mixed up .

  3. 行星在天赤道(celestialequator)上的升落使得赤纬成为了业力占星学中需要考虑的第三个因素。

    As the planets rise and fall on the celestial equator , Declination becomes another factor of planetary karma that we need to consider .

  4. 在汉堡占星学系统中如果使用90dial盘,白羊点简称AP,也就是所有本位星座的0度点。

    In the Uranian system , the Aries Point , or AP , also links to zero degrees of all the cardinal signs ( as seen on a90 degree dial ) .

  5. 这就是西方占星学的一个比较大概的历史。

    This is a brief history of basic Western astrology .

  6. 我一直认为占星学是他的特殊爱好

    I have always supposed that astrology be his particular hobby

  7. 在美国,极少有人相信占星学。

    In America , hardly any persons believe in astrology .

  8. 但是对于占星学他们是不够格的,而且并没有做足功课。

    But they are incompetent regarding astrology and have not done their homework .

  9. 土星在占星学中的能量代表着一种师傅的角色。

    The energy of Saturn in the horoscope represents a kind of teacher .

  10. 最近我和一个不信仰占星学的朋友展开了一番有关占星学的讨论。

    I recently got into a discussion with a non-believer friend about astrology .

  11. 在威廉。莉莉的基督教占星学的书里面谈到了更为复杂的现象。

    A further complication is mentioned by William Lilly in his book Christian Astrology .

  12. 占星学和炼丹术为神秘之学。

    Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences .

  13. 那些通过这种途径来声讨占星学的人,也许多少了解一点天文学。

    Those who argue against astrology that way may well understand a bit about astronomy .

  14. 许多人对占星学有误解。

    Many people have misconceptions about astrology .

  15. 江恩对股票和期货市场所做的年度预测具有高准确率的基础是占星学。

    W.D.Gann 's highly-accurate annual forecasts of the stock and commodity markets were based on astrology .

  16. 国际占星学研究学会

    International Society for Astrological Research

  17. 当女性作为专家身份出现时,往往谈论的是占星学或手工艺。

    When women were present as experts , they tended to be talking about astrology or handicrafts .

  18. 我想占星学远不是像很多占星师所认为的那样宿命论和缺乏弹性。

    I think Astrology is far more flexible and less fatalistic than what some astrologers tend to assume .

  19. 占星学在中世纪的欧洲十分盛行,和其他预测未来的方法一样,比如说:塔罗牌。

    Astrology enjoyed great popularity in medieval Europe , along with other fortunetelling methods such as the Tarot .

  20. 太阳拥有最强大的引力,所以它在占星学中的作用最大。其次是月亮。

    The Sun has the greatest gravity and the strongest effect in astrology , followed bu the Moon .

  21. 那些希望相信占星学的人必须意识到,占星学的原理是没有科学基础的。

    Those who wish to believe in astrology should realize that there is no scientific foundation for its tenets .

  22. 关于土星的性质以及其在占星学中的影响,已经有大量的文字描述了。

    A great deal has been written about the nature of the planet Saturn and it 's effect in horoscopes .

  23. 通过提供免费的占星学信息,我们在占星学图书馆希望改变占星术一直以来声名狼藉的状况。

    By offering free astrology information , we at Astrology Library hope to clear the bad rap that astrology gets .

  24. 占星学是通过观察夜空的行星运动发展而来的,那是广为人知的事情。

    It is well known that astrology developed by way of looking at the planetary movements in the night sky .

  25. 在某程度上,在占星学中牵涉到的星体之间的力量可以被简化为一种:引力。

    In some ways , the forces between the planets involved in astrology can be simplified into one word : gravity .

  26. 月亮的位置标志着斋月的开始和结束。但宗教团体经常质疑占星学的估算。

    The position of the moon marks the beginning and end of Ramadan , but religious bodies frequently dispute astrological assessments .

  27. 虽然人们经常好奇的看着头顶的星空,却没有人知道是谁第一个开始使用占星学的。

    Although Man has always watched the planets and stars in wonder , no one really knows who practiced astrology first .

  28. 唐代学者李淳风在中国历史上被视为占星大家,其著作《乙巳占》则是一部在中国文化史上具有重要地位的占星学典籍。

    His work Yi Si Astrology is an astrological classic that played an important role in the history of Chinese culture .

  29. 你喜欢交新的有趣的朋友,你也会完全享受在团队中学习占星学。

    You come in contact with new and exciting friends , and you would thoroughly enjoy a study of astrology in groups .

  30. 皇室家族经常为新生的王子画星盘,但是许多奴隶和一些农民也会有机会去使用占星学。

    Royal figures had charts drawn up for newborn princes but most slaves or peasantry had little time or use for it .