
  • 网络beauvais;Bovet;Jose Bove
  1. 博韦表示,和茶叶一样,咖啡也含有对细胞健康有保护作用的抗氧化剂。

    Just like tea , coffee also contains cell-protective antioxidants , Beauvais said .

  2. 博韦(药物学家)说红茶(包括伯爵茶)中含有抗氧化剂能够帮助身体不受自由基的侵害。

    Black tea which includes Earl Grey also has antioxidants that can protect the body from the effects of free radicals , Beauvais said .

  3. 主演克里斯蒂安·贝尔ChristianBale大卫·博韦DavidBowie迈克尔·凯恩MichaelCaine派博·普拉堡PiperPerabo

    winner Michael Caine , Scarlett Johansson and David Bowie .

  4. 罗奇代尔证券(RochedaleSecurities)的银行业分析师博韦昨天在一份报告中称,购买明富环球部分或全部资产有可能为高盛集团创造出一笔“意外收益”。

    Banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochedale Securities said in a note yesterday that buying some or all of MF Global might create " a windfall profit " for Goldman .

  5. 博韦说没有预想自己的所作所为会得到这样的认可。

    She said she hadn 't carried out her work expecting such recognition .

  6. 熔岩从西西里岛埃特纳火山的瓦尔德博韦流出。

    Lava flows from Mount Etna 's Valle del Bove , on the island of Sicily .

  7. 博韦说,有时候热巧克力也不是大家所想的那种超高卡路里的营养噩梦饮品。

    Hot chocolate doesn 't have to be the calorie bomb and nutritional nightmare as it 's sometimes made out to be , Beauvais said .

  8. 博韦还说过,茶叶本身是不含卡路里的,但是当你往里加糖、奶油时,那么茶叶所含的卡路里数量就会增高。

    Beauvais added that tea itself has no calories , but when you start adding sugar , cream , that can easily ratchet up the calorie count .