
  • 网络pomeranian;Pomeranian dog
  1. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。

    Jin-hui , a cream-coloured Pomeranian , was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan .

  2. 博美犬是一种紧凑、短背、活跃的玩具狗。

    The Pomeranian is a compact , short-backed , active toy dog .

  3. 幸运的是,他最好的朋友——一只叫做Zen的博美犬——在背后支持着他并且带领他到处玩耍,帮他完成他无法独自完成的事情。

    Luckily his best friend , a Pomeranian named Zen , has his back and leads him around , helping out when he can 't do something .

  4. 浏览他们的Instagram动态、看到这只小小的博美犬带领着比他个头大一些的哈士奇在公园里散步的视频,没有人不会感到心头一暖。

    Scroll through their feed , it 's almost impossible to see the video of the small Pomeranian leading around the slightly bigger Husky in the park and not feel your heart swell .

  5. 她的博美犬名叫“周宝宝”,精神十足,围绕在她身边。她带我们走过前厅,这里挂着朱利安·施纳贝尔(JulianSchnabel)和达米安·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的油画。

    With her spunky Pomeranian , Baby Chow , capering about her feet , Mrs. Chow walked us through the entry hall , where paintings by Julian Schnabel and Damien Hirst are hung .

  6. 这只博美犬扮成了观光巴士。

    This pomeranian went as a sightseeing bus .

  7. 他们鉴别出的东西五花八门,有鸽子和博美犬,也有具有攻击性的灰腹厕蝇,甚至有一种蟑螂的亚种。

    The high schoolers found everything from pigeons and Pomeranians to an invasive latrine fly and what looks to be at least a new subspecies of cockroach .