
  • 网络BRaun;BLEUM;ORAL-B
  1. 探究博朗,并观察我们是如何为您的业务提供卓越的外包解决方案。

    Explore Bleum and see how we can provide superior outsourcing solutions for your business .

  2. 此外,博朗招募了一批行业中最睿智最有能力的人才。

    Moreover , Bleum employs some of the smartest and most capable people in the industry .

  3. 为博朗(Braun)设计过剃须刀和收音机等产品的设计师迪特尔•拉姆斯(DieterRams),是乔纳森爵士崇拜的人之一。

    One of Sir Jonathan 's heroes is Dieter Rams , the designer of Braun products such as shavers and radios .

  4. 博朗的设计信条之一就是:“好的设计要尽量不露痕迹。”一贯的低调而优雅,没有任何扎眼的细节,这种风格明显体现在简洁、近乎朴素的铝合金机身的MacBook上。

    Among Braun 's design mottos is : " Good design is as little design as possible . " The tradition of being low-key and yet elegant , without any distracting details , is evident in the slim , almost austere , aluminium MacBook .

  5. 成为摩托罗拉、舒蕾、博朗、洛兹等著名品牌的形象大使;

    Brand Spokesperson for " MOTOROLA "," SLEK "," BRAUN "," ROUSSE " and many other famous products'brand promotions .

  6. 感谢各级政府、机构、专家、合作伙伴及社会各界多年来对博朗公司的关爱。

    Many thanks to the government , organizations , experts , cooperating partners and the society , thanks for all your help to Bolang .

  7. 他在洛斯加托斯山区买下了一间不错的房子,在家中布置了一幅马克斯菲尔德·帕里什的画、一台博朗咖啡机和双立人刀具。

    He bought a proper house in the Los Gatos hills , which he adorned with a Maxfield Parrish painting , a Braun coffeemaker , and Henckels knives .

  8. 请在半天后查看您的邮箱,您将获取一个简历编号以及博朗问卷的链接,请在参加博朗校园宣讲会前完成该问卷调查。

    Please check your mailbox half day later , you will receive your resume ID code and the link of Bleum questionnaire , please complete the questionnaire before attending our presentation .

  9. 决定自己想要从事什么不会在一夜之间想出来,然而,在负责职业培训的会员制辅导团体的创建者博朗-沃克曼看来,这一过程可以变得简单些。

    Deciding what you want to do doesn 't happen overnight , but , according to Brown-Volkman , founder of a members-only coaching group to help people reinvent themselves professionally , the process can be simple .