
  • 网络Bode;Baldur;BODO
  1. 联邦调查局还获取了博德维的IP地址。

    The FBI also captured Broadwell 's IP address .

  2. 积极型对冲基金斯塔博德(StarboardValue)近日要求撤换雅虎整个董事会。

    Starboard , an activist hedge fund , called this week for its entire board of directors to be fired .

  3. 渣打银行首席执行官冼博德(petersands)为配股发行进行了辩护,尽管他一再坚称该行资本金充足。

    Peter sands , StanChart chief executive , defended the move despite his repeated insistence the bank was well-capitalised .

  4. 在首席执行官冼博德(petersands)的领导下,渣打此前相对无损地度过金融危机。

    Under the direction of Peter sands , chief executive , StanChart had emerged from the financial crisis relatively unscathed .

  5. 梅耶尔还面临着投资者要求其通过裁员削减成本的压力,这些投资者中包括对冲基金斯塔博德价值(StarboardValue)。

    Ms. Mayer has also faced pressure from investors , including the hedge fund Starboard Value , to cut costs by laying off employees .

  6. 他拥有相当多董事会和顾问委员会的头衔,其中包括麻省理工学院-哈佛博德研究所(theBroadInstituteofMIT)以及史隆基达宁癌症中心(theMemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter)。

    Serves on numerous boards and advisory committees , from the broad Institute of MIT and Harvard to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center .

  7. 渣打银行集团行政总裁冼博德(petersands)昨日表示,明年年初有望在印度上市,但在中国上市的计划进展没有那么顺利。

    Peter sands , chief executive , yesterday said that a listing in India could come early next year , while plans for a China listing were less advanced .

  8. 因此,渣打首席执行官冼博德(petersands)能够欣然接受成本的上升,因为收入的增幅比这高出了三个百分点以上,他还宣布今年将新招募1000多名员工。

    Thus its chief executive , Peter sands , could cheerfully admit to rising costs , as revenues rose by 3 percentage points more , and announce plans for more than 1000 extra staff this year .

  9. 冼博德表示,他将把自己320万美元的奖金捐给慈善机构,此前汇丰银行首席执行官纪勤(MichaelGeoghegan)本周早些时候也宣布了类似举措。

    Mr Sands said he would donate his $ 3.2m bonus to charity , echoing a similar move by Michael Geoghegan , chief executive of HSBC , earlier this week .

  10. 董事会的审议也是在对冲基金斯塔博德价值(StarboardValue)施加的压力下进行的,这家著名的激进投资机构已经花了一年多的时间试图让雅虎采取行动,提升股价。

    The board 's deliberations are also taking place under pressure from a prominent activist investor , the hedge fund Starboard Value , which has spent more than a year trying to push Yahoo to take action to raise its stock price .

  11. 鉴于西方银行正陷入混乱,西方公司把触角伸向亚洲,而亚洲公司则到西方投资,我们正利用这些机遇,充当东西方之间的一座桥梁。渣打集团行政总裁冼博德(PeterSands)表示。

    With western banks in disarray , with western companies reaching out to Asia and Asian companies investing in the west , we are taking advantage of the opportunities to be a bridge between east and west , said Peter Sands , chief executive .

  12. 中国银行(BoC)表示其强烈支持伦敦成为香港之后的下一个离岸人民币交易中心。渣打银行行政总裁冼博德(PeterSands)则表示,伦敦遇上了一个不应错过的绝佳机会。

    Bank of China said it it strongly supports London to be the next offshore RMB trading centre , after Hong Kong , while Peter Sands , Standard Chartered chief executive , said London had a unique opportunity that should not be missed .

  13. 冼博德说,他和其他执行董事(去年年中加入渣打的安迪•哈尔福德(AndyHalford)除外)都宣布放弃自己的奖金以展现领导力。

    The chief executive said that he and his fellow executive board members waived their bonuses to show leadership , with the exception of Andy Halford , who joined in the middle of last year .

  14. 另一家德国时髦品牌“博德宝(Poggenpohl)”在迪拜、上海和伊斯坦布尔也销售旺盛;

    Kitchens by Poggenpohl , another smart German brand , are selling well in Dubai , Shanghai and Istanbul ;

  15. 你身在博德学校,不是军营。

    You are in the Baird school , not a barracks .

  16. 因为他不是博德人。

    Because he 's not a Baird man . Baird men .

  17. 我们不是反对监管改革,冼博德表示。

    We are not against regulatory change , said Mr Sands .

  18. 这是一个关于老师的故事,老师的名字叫伊卡博德?克雷恩。

    It is about a schoolteacher whose name is Ichabod Crane .

  19. 华盛顿的思林博德企业就是其中之一。

    Springboard Enterprises in Washington , D.C. is one of these .

  20. 博德:人与自然和谐的样板

    Boulder , An Example of the Harmony between Humankind and Nature

  21. 博德获41分后,博瑟姆一个漂亮球把他杀出局了。

    Border was ( brilliantly ) run out by Botham for41 .

  22. 我不知道谁念过博德?

    I don 't know who went to this place .

  23. 消费社会中的精神生态困境&博德里亚后现代消费社会理论研究

    The Problems of the Spiritual Ecology of Consuming Society

  24. 斯塔博德的一名代表拒绝发表评论。

    A representative of Starboard declined to comment .

  25. 仅仅因为他不是一个博德人。

    Because he 's not a Baird man .

  26. 事实上,彼得雷乌斯和博德维之间的在互通电邮时十分谨慎小心。

    In fact , Petraeus and Broadwell were very discreet when communicating by e-mail .

  27. 所以作为一个有上升能力和自由的人,博德能自由地漫步到任何他想要去的地方。

    So now as a promotional free agent Byrd can roam freely anywhere he wants .

  28. 朱恩。博德斯从拉斯维加斯开了一小时车来表达她的支持。

    June Borders made the hour-long drive down from Las Vegas to lend her support .

  29. 冼博德表示,投资银行业务的客户收入增长了20%。

    Mr Sands said client income at the investment bank was up 20 per cent .

  30. 二战以后,阿拉斯加就服务于博德探险队和其他各种探险队。

    Malamutes served in the Byrd Expeditions and also in several expeditions after World War II .