
  1. 为了南粤澄澈的天空广州市白云出租汽车集团有限公司务实回馈社会

    Guangzhou Baiyun Taxi Group Co. , LTD repay society with actual actions

  2. 南粤客家围与中原文化

    Hakkas ' Enclosure in Nanyue and Central Culture

  3. 深圳最早的广府黄氏,是著名的“南粤孝子”黄舒。

    Shenzhen earliest Cantonese Wong , is the famous " Guangdong Xiaozai " Huang Shu .

  4. 每当徜徉在充满活力南粤大地,我常常从心底对创造了博大精深的岭南文化的先民们充满了景仰之情。

    Whenever wandering around Guangzhou , I always admire forefathers who has created broad and profound Lingnan Culture from the bottom of my heart .