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  1. 南淝河水质情况对巢湖蓝藻暴发的贡献较大;

    The water quality of Nanfei River contributed more to algae bloom in Chaohu Lake ;

  2. 以河道的功能分区情况为基础,利用一维稳态的模型,选择段首控制法,对南淝河等七条河流的污染物COD(Cr)、NH3-N在90%保证率下进行环境容量的计算;

    Water quality model coefficient is also identified . In the base of the water environment function area , the environmental carrying capacities for COD and NH3-N of 7 rivers and Chao Lake are calculated .

  3. 合肥市南淝河橡胶坝广场灯座地基处理

    Ground treatment of lamp foundation of South-Fei River Rubber Dam Plaza

  4. 南淝河航道整治工程简介

    Brief Introduction of Channel Regulation Project of South Feihe River

  5. 污染对南淝河鱼类的影响

    The influence of water contamination on the fish in the South fei-he River

  6. 文章运用模糊数学的方法,对南淝河9个断面的水质监测数据,进行了模糊聚类分析。

    Using a fuzzy mathematical method , fuzzy assembling analysis is made of water quality monitor data from nine traverses along the southern Feihe river in this paper .

  7. 基于主成分分析理论,建立了水质综合评价模型,以南淝河为例,对南淝河的水环境质量进行综合评价。

    Based on the principal component analysis theory , a water quality comprehensive evaluation model was established and was used to evaluate the water quality of the South Feihe River .

  8. 结果表明,南淝河流域水环境质量总体较差,有机污染物是造成南淝河水质污染的主要原因。

    The results showed that the water quality in the whole basin was not good , and organic pollutant was the main cause of the water pollution in the South Feihe River .

  9. 本文用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术,对南淝河水体的污染状况进行了一次生物学评价,并对启豆Ⅰ号作为微核监测技术实验材料的可靠性进行了研究。

    This paper evaluated the effect of pullution on South Fei River by using micronucleus test with Vicia faba ( QI_1 ) root tips , and discussed the reliability of using Vicia faba ( QI_1 ) as material in micronucleus test .